My younger brother is 9 years old and until now has nightmares and fears going to bed. This isnt a new problem, he's always had nightmares but when he was younger my mom figured it was normal. I'm starting to think something is wrong. He literally cries, fights, and screams because of how scared he is to go to sleep. The strange thing is that his fears seem to come out of nowhere... For example today his big fear is vampires. That's ridiculous because he has never seen a vampire movie he only knows what it is because of a reference in a cartoon. What makes it even more ridiculous is that he hasnt seen anything recently where a vampire is mentioned... Every week there's a new fear and many of them seem very foolish. Another example is the pirate on Spongebob Squarepants. We tried once to keep him from watching tv but he began to have nightmares about other things like robbers and thiefs. Please help