
When do you start buying the "bigger" more expensive stuff?

by  |  earlier

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Nursery furniture, car seats, strollers, swings, etc.

I am almost 22 weeks and have gotten the bouncer, stroller, car seat, crib this weekend and some ppl are like "Why are you buying so early?!"

Is this weird or too soon?




  1. some would say yes for superstition. i say if you are not having any trouble with your pregnancy, go for it. you buy the big stuff after the baby shower when you have registered somewhere and know what you still need. my mom bought my first crib and my husbands parents couldn't wait to get the loudest light up toys they could find.

  2. We're waiting until I'm about 26 or 27 weeks. But that's because my family is busy with planning a wedding, and my family are the ones who are helping us pay for the "big" stuff. If I could, I would have already bought everything. My close friend had everything bought by 16 weeks.

  3. whenever you feel ready; i wanted to get things out of the way too, had her room painted up and furniture bought as soon as i could....of course i was prob in the beg of my 3rd trimester, end of second, before i felt comfy to start buying things.....i had her room up, clothes washed, everything when she was born....i would put the bigger things on  your registry, you never know what will happen....someone bought us our highchair, crib, and exp play yard and several other bigger items along with the rest....esp grandparents, they love to get the nice stuff...

  4. I bought everything that I could the second that I knew I have having a boy.  By that point go for it.  I was on a very tight budget, and still am.  But it is great to have the stuff now, you can arrange, and re arrange everything as much as you want to.  :)  grats on the pregnancy.  

  5. always buy ahead.....always it is never too soon...

  6. I dont think so because I did it with my daughter I would say its better to be prepared but have you had your baby shower yet because you might get some of it for your shower.

  7. I think once you are out of the first trimester it is fairly safe to start buying things. That time is sooo risky for everyone that it woulod be premature to start then. From there however the risks drop so significantly. People can have all sorts of opinions as to what's too early and what's not but if you want to be negative like that then people shouldn't buy a thing until after the baby is delivered happy and healthy. That's not really viable is it?! I say go for it and good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. Besides buying early leaves you time to relax in the later weeks when you really just can't be bothered

  8. No! Youre just excited! Be happy and enjoy this while it lasts. Buying furniture and preparing for your baby is such a great time. Do everything at your own pace.

    Good luck with your pregnancy

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