
When do you start decorating for Christmas?

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when is a good time to start putting up your tree and decorations and lights?




  1. already have, and i got my shopping all done, ho ho ho ,lol

  2. We always do it the day right after Thanksgiving.... I can't wait!

  3. We put our tree & decorations after Thanksgiving, or December 1st.

  4. i start around the middle of December and keep them up until the new year

  5. dec 1 or earlier as we caint wait to enjoy christmas day

  6. We put up our tree & decorations on December 1st :)

  7. usually mid december.

  8. Late November.

  9. My parents start on their anniversary which is November 11th.

    Every year is the same. Lol we're a little ahead of everyone though !

  10. Thanksgiving Week...

  11. We start like 3 weeks before Christmas and it usually don't come down til February lol

  12. the day after thanksgiving. that way, you can enjoy how pretty your house looks and it will get you in the christmas spirit=) congrats on your first christmas!!!

  13. November 1st is when I start decorating my room baby! My parents make us wait until after December 9th to decorate the rest of the house though. But my mom doesn't like decorations or possibly even Christmas itself. She makes us take them all down on the 26th or 27th every year.

    I think the best time to decorate is when you want to. It's not like it's going to hurt anyone.

  14. December 1

  15. The week before Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. One or two weeks before, so that i can enjoy the mood the decorations create...and we take them down pretty much one week after.

  17. The day after thanksgivng :O)  

  18. thanksgiving day. take them down new years day.

  19. Decmber 1st.

  20. After thanksgiving.  

  21. I know a lot of people start way before Thanksgiving.  I always felt that Thanksgiving is a Holiday in itself, so I always wait until the weekend after Thanksgiving Thursday.  This way you are able to enjoy one holiday at a time.  

  22. Last year we put them up the day after Thanksgiving.  In the past we always put it up on the first weekend of December but I wanted to get it done early last year and I really liked having it up a week earlier.  This year I want to put the tree up the week before Thanksgiving.

  23. I usually put up my tree the week after Thanksgiving.  

  24. DECEMBER 1ST and always take down Dec 31st.

  25. The day after Thanksgiving.

  26. We usually do it on the 1st friday, saturday, sunday (which ever comes first).

  27. Traditional we start day after thanksgiving and take it of f after new years day.

  28. Well, my mom doesn't let us put it up in November, like i would want to lol!, but usually just when december hits!

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