
When do you start looking for a pediatrician?

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I am due to have a baby in 6 weeks. When do I need to find a pediatrician?




  1. right away =D God Bless you and your baby!

    please answer mine;...

  2. Start looking now! My mother works for a pediatrician and some of them start looking for a doctor as soon as they learn they're pregnant!

  3. i know people that start very early, but i'm 31 weeks now and I'm interviewing pediatricians this thursday...i'll have my decision made by the weekend.  It's true that if you pre-register at the hospital, they'll want the information.  Even if you use the on-call pediatrician the day you deliver, the medical records will have to follow the baby somewhere.  

  4. Judging from what everyone around me has done, right now would be a good time.  Most doctors will do a free introductory visit with the parents to be to see if the two of you mesh, and to find out what kind of visits your baby will need in the first days and weeks of life.  This isn't something you put off until the baby is here, so call up a couple of your friends and find out if they like their baby's doctor!  If so, get the pediatrician's phone number, make sure they are taking new patients and ask for a new parent prenatal visit!

    Make sure that whomever you choose is someone who:

    1.  You feel you can really talk to.

    2.  Shares, or is open to your parenting philosophy

    3.  Takes your insurance (duh!)

    If you happen to belong to Angie's List, they are now including doctors on their listings.  It is a new thing there, so they may or may not have a ton of doctors up there yet, but whoever they do have will be described in depth by at least one Angie's list members.

  5. You are supposed to pick one before. The hospital I was at would not release the baby until I had picked a pediatrician. I picked one right after I checked into the hospital.

  6. When the child is born.

  7. I did with my 1st about 2 months before she was due to make sure that the Dr. was taking new patients.

  8. It is good to do your research on pediatricians before a baby is born, you can ask friends or your Ob/Gyn if they know of any good ones.  Once the baby is born the pediatrician will come to the hospital and check the baby out, if you are happy with him or her then keep them if not look for someone else.  If you would like to meet the pediatrician and ask questions before the baby is born then call their office and request to do so....they may or may not meet with you beforehand.  Good luck!

  9. You should start looking before the baby is born. You want to know if the Doctor is accepting new patients & if they accept your insurance.

  10. right away i could take awhile to find one that you want

  11. I am pregnant too, I would start looking around and asking family and friends who they use.  YOu don't want to miss out on a great Ped.  If you don't have any luck in finding one, ask your gyno.

  12. I would start ASAP.  Waiting until the end when you'll have ALOT on your mind anyway is too much.  I had several terrible interviews and was almost in a panic when I was only a few weeks out.  

    My OB helped me by telling me that the first couple visits are mostly shots and will rely alot on the information that YOU give the doctor.  You can always transfer the records if you change your mind and select a new doctor.  And make sure you are comfortable with their support staff as well since they will be the ones who answer your calls/ questions ;o)

    The Doc I ended up going with didn't even give interviews he is so busy.  However we had several great references and I really do like his staff!

    My final note of something to keep in mind is something my mom told me after my first pediatrician interview:

    "Bedside manner and know-how are the two most important things a doctor must possess, but if you have to choose between the two, choose the later."

    Good Luck!

  13. your ob/gyn usually suggest one to you near the end.  ask him/her to recommend at your next visit since they will need to know the child is coming and see him/her at the hospital.  that is what my wife's dr. did for us.  good luck.

  14. I had to know which pediatrician we were going to be using when we filled out our pre-registration for the hospital.  I think you should check around see who takes your insurance.  Ask friends who they use.  

  15. Look for a podiatrist.

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