
When do you start teaching switch hitting?

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Son is 4, lefty, hits from both sides of tee well. Do I let him practice both sides or train lefty 1st?




  1. for your son to become a dominant switch hitter against tough pitchers when he gets older, you should have him be hitting about 30-100 balls regularly from both sides of the plate so that he becomes comfortable and is able to hit the ball with more pop. once as a young child they get the muscle memory in, if you keep having them practice, it should stay with him for a while.

  2. The way I would do it and the way I remember all of my coaches telling me was to get good at your natural side first and then slowly work in the righty side.  You'd rather have him good at one side then average at both.  But, then again I don't have kids..and I'm only 20 so what do I know.

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