
When do you stop tucking a child into bed?

by  |  earlier

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Is there are certain age where you stop tucking them in? Or are they never too old to be tucked in?




  1. well maybe u should stop tucking them in when u feel there grown up enough

  2. Physically about 10 years old. But you always peek in on them before going to sleep, wait up for them if they are out at night, always think of them last thing at night if they living away. It probably mentally never ends.

  3. Never stop...never! Give your "child" a hug and a kiss, pat him or her on the head, pull up the covers and tell your child how much you love him or her every night.

  4. I guess when they tell you to stop.  I love being tucked into bed now, and I am 35.

  5. I think you never stop tucling in.  My daughter is 9 and she gets upset if i dont tuck her in.  

    I'm 29 and my mother is very afectionate.  When she comes on vacation, she always tucks me in if she catches me laying down watching TV (she does it asa joke, but i love it.)

  6. I guess when they tell you "stop mom, not in front of my wife/ husband"

  7. i guess when"there to embarrassed to be tucked in" there is no appropriate age. i would say maybe around 10 to get them used to going to sleep on there own.

  8. never to old especially a girl

  9. when they don't want to be tucked in anymore

  10. gosh i don't know my boys are 10 and 12 and they like those few moments of chatting about the day before I give them a kiss and hug goodnite, I hope it doesn't ever stop

  11. I don't know.. My oldest is almost 6, and though I don't actually "tuck" him into the bed.  I have to go in and say goodnight etc...

    I have no idea when this stops? ~

  12. I tuck my 29yo Husband in when he is sick - Such a sooky! lol

    When they stop asking, sounds good to me.

  13. Depends on tha child, when they begin to not want u around quite not so much, around 12 usually, unless they tell u sooner...

  14. OH NO.....I dunno the answer to that one, I love tucking the kids in bed, spending a few minutes chit chatting with them.  Sometimes in our crazy schedule it's the only one on one time I get with them.  Take your cue from them I guess.

  15. my mom still comes over and tucks me in every night.  I'm 36.  my wife gets pissed.

  16. I think 9 or 10 is to old to be tuck into bed.

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