
When do you talk to your kids about strander-danger?

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When do you talk to your kids about stranger danger? Are there guidelines or is there a step by step book to follow?




  1. Im 15 and I learned about it when I was in kindergarten we had an assebaly on it but even before that my parents told me about that

  2. There IS actually a product on the market for this, made by the "America's Most Wanted" guy.

    Google "stranger danger".  There are TONS of resources.  Start talking to them RIGHT AWAY, but try not to petrify the little tot!  

  3. I think it depends on each child. My olest were always so outgoing and friendly that I started when they were toddlers and continued to talk to them regularly about it all the time. Role playing is a great tool because acting out situations with your kids will help them remember the things you have said more than if you just say them.

    My youngest child has a learning disability and is very anxious about things. he is afraid of thunder and loud noises. He's afraid of a lot of things. I waited until he was a little older (about 6) before I started talking to him because otherwise he would have been scared to death to even go outside. I mean we had basic talks about no talking to people we don't know and stuff but I wouldn't go into details and tell him someone could steal him. He would be way too frightened at the thought of it. He doesn't always understand that just because you are talking about something doesn't mean it will happen. One time we were at a school event for my older sons DARE graduation and the policeman was talking about how to exit in case of an emergency and my son thought we were going to have one. I had to explain that he just says that just in case. So this is why I say it depends on the child.  

  4. as soon as they can walk and get away from your eyesight, its not only strangers, they need to know not to take candy, rides, toys etc. just "remind" them each time you go out until eventually they have it engrained in their brains. better safe then sorry.

  5. I started at 2 years old. I alternate between the stranger danger talk and the good touch/bad touch talk. No guidelines or books, just good parenting

  6. as soon as they can understand what you are saying and as much as possible thereafter. you can NEVER be too cautious with your children.

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