
When do you tell a child about s*x

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If a child hits puberty at an early age should you tell them then or wait until there like 11,12,13




  1. When they are old enough to ask, then make it age-appropriate and be open and honest.  But definitely tell them, otherwise they'll get the info from friends and school.

  2. begin right away.

    As soon as they are able to understand you teach them the proper names of all of their body parents. It's a p***s not a wee-wee etc. If you start from there it becomes much easier to slowly explain things as they can understand it.

    If you wait to "the talk" with your child then most likely they will already have been given some bad information from television and their friends. If you are open and honest with them about s*x and their bodies from the beginning they will  be more comfortable coming to you with questions.

    Statistically children whose parents taught them that s*x was not something to ashamed of are less likely to become teen parents and typically wait longer to have s*x.

  3. wait until they ask about it, my mom told be the basic when i was like six it wont hurt to watch a little animal planet and just  tell the basics. if theyre body is changing they are probably wanting to know why. You dont need to be graphic or show the romantic side of it just the basic science of it that you think they are ready for. they probably know more  then you think from their friends though.

  4. BEFORE the child hits puberty.  My mom talked to me about it when I was like 8 or 9 because I was asking about those commercials on tv where you put blue water on the maxi pads.  I got my period at 10 and started wearing a bra then.  So, I was at the age where I could read pretty good and my mom gave me this age approrpriate book about what a man and woman do to have a baby.  I read it alot.  However, I'm a girl. Not sure when to do it for boys.  I'm glad I have 2 girls.

  5. We had classes in school that taught us about s*x. Generally, you should wait till they're 10 or 11. But,by 12 years of age, they should have a basic understanding. But if a child hits puberty at age 9, should you tell them? Yes... because most kids wouldn't choose to know, they'll feel better.

  6. Oh gosh...the talk. The most dreaded part of being a parent.

    Honestly, nobody can give you a "correct" answer on this. You should educate your child about s*x when you feel that they are ready for it. If your child has hit puberty and is curious about the changes that he or she is experiencing, you should tell them the truth and prevent them from wondering, or worse, get false information from their peers. My parents never told me anything about s*x. They were probably too embarrassed or didn't know how to explain it to me. I learned about s*x the wrong way. I learned through people at school and got a lot of information that was just not accurate at all. I learned about s*x a little bit through s*x education too.  And I just guessed about some other stuff I wasn't too sure about. But to save all of the wondering, false info, and guessing, I would just tell your child about s*x when you feel that they are ready for the truth.

  7. I think it depends on the child... My cousin started at like age 9... which is insane early for a lil girl.. however, with todays society they are already wondering what s*x is. , , And I think that 10 is an appropriate age to tell them the basic basic part of s*x... just let them ask the questions.. its better to hear from you than from some silly kid at school. or you can go to your local library and rent a video that explains.. that is what my mother did.. and it save the embarrassment of the face to face conversation..and she asked if i had any questions later.

    My last apartment complex there were these 6 years olds in the jungle gym talking about s*x .. i couldn't believe my ears!! They learn it from TV! You must talk to your child..  

  8. I plan on doing it when my child is about five, not the really gritty stuff, but there will be lambs and piglets born so I'll let my child watch (we live on a farm) and explain how the mummy sheep and the daddy sheep planted a little seed... you know.  At least then my child will know that I am open to discussion and when he's a little older he can come back and ask.

  9. For basics, you can start as young as 4, and add to it as they get older.  As for "the talk" ,,,,, all I can tell you is, DON'T wait until they are 11 or 12. By then, girls tend to not want to discuss things regarding their bodies. Besides, as my daughter told me, she already knew "everything."  I still did try to talk to them about s*x, but I wish I'd done it sooner.

  10. I think it's best to always tell them age appropriate things once they start asking questions. If your child has started to hit puberty it's best to give them some facts its best they know whats going on with their bodies and its better you tell them before someone else gives them the wrong info..

  11. Okay...most kids get the school talk when they are at the end of 5th grade. (11). one wants their child's teachers telling them about this. So, you want to tell them when they are about 10ish. That's when most kids learn. I learned at that age.  

  12. I think in this day and age 3rd or 4th grade. And of course if they hit puberty early. You need to explain any urges they have are normal. Normal to feel but not to act on. my daughter is 9.5 and I told her about 4 or 5 months ago. Education is your child's best defense. She was hearing things at school, and asking questions. It was time for "the talk" and anytime they are asking it needs to be the truth. If you wait until 11, 12, or 13 they will have heard it second hand from some where else probably the wrong information as well. As hard as it is we owe them honest answers, that way if they have questions or problems arise they feel comfortable to come and ask us.

  13. Honesty is always the best policy. I'd explain it in a way they can understand because if they don't know what s*x is and they are getting abused which a lot of children are, they might not know that it's wrong.

  14. I think at age 10 or 9. The child would be mature enought to learn about it then.

  15. I thought I was going to have a hard time with this, afterall my parents never talked to me about it.  Its almost like it is an awkward thing, but I think if it is openely talked about within the family, then all these teen pregnancies would subside a bit.

    So anyhow, I will suggest something you should listen to... it helped me more than I could have imagined. I now have the confidence to talk to my son when he gets to that age.

    go to

    click on listen

    click on 2007

    click on october

    ALL OF THEM ARE GOOD, BUT the one you are looking for is

    - The Naked Truth about Pure s*x    

      A Politically Incorrect Look at s*x, Lies and Virginity

    on October 21st.

    --  this link might take you straight there

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