
When do you think American soldiers will start to withdraw from Vietnam?

by Guest59404  |  earlier

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Wait, I made a mistake, I meant Iraq.

Thanks so much.




  1. Never.

  2. vietnam    -25

    Iraq        i think untill  2011 as iraq parliament said

  3. OK, I get your point. Yes it is curious how much Iraq mimics the unending, in likelihood, war in Vietnam. Presidential Fiat has been over indulged for long enough-perhaps a less than aggressive attitude could be indulged for a time- does this seem reasonable or am I totally nuts? How much are you guys willing to take a step back from an Apocalypse?  

  4. With Obama next year.

    With McCain about 100 years from now (at least that's what McCain says...)

  5. How cute of you Americans take a long time to ''withdraw'' just ask your wom......well we take a long time

    For the above post most of us do not consider you our friends cheers

    British troops needed after the yanks leave Why there well be no need to serve us coffee we well be gone Ever hear of pay back? We don't take 60 years to do it

    Straw tart I thought it was irony we yanks don't understand Remember I live with y'all Now it's time to go out and spread American good will cheers

    From your last edits ''don't want anything from you'' ''feel better''''call for help'' Is there something on your mind Well take a number and I'll call you when it comes up .....your number I mean

  6. When it is safe and reasonable to do so I think. Obama has even come to the conclusion that it should be the generals who make that call. You may or may not remember what happened in Cambodia but it would be bad to have a repeat of that history in Iraq.

  7. The whole area will be under Western control for many centuries to come. So the answer is: not in your grand-children's lifetimes anyway!

  8. This would be a good question to ask McCain and he probably wouldn't notice your mistake.

  9. The attempts of the Democrats to lose the war have largely been thwarted.    Iraq appears to be stabilizing.  

    So a sudden defeat type withdrawal is not longer likely.   Troop levels are down from 'the surge' and the likelihood is they will continue to decline slowly over the next few decades as per post WWII Germany.

    The election is unlikely to change this since McCain would not be inclined to a rapid withdrawal & Obama would only support defeat when a Republican is in office.

  10. When they find another Asian country to withdraw into...

    No!  I didn't make a mistake!

  11. Next year.  

  12. not sure but have a cup of coffee.

  13. a year or two , while British troops will be there for a long time clearing up the mess , cheers USA , what a great Friend. Ray , ever heard of being sarcastic ? thought not, Your the last people I would call for help- does that make you feel any better - We dont want any thing from you

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