
When do you think aliens will make themselves known? (Believers only pls)?

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I prefer not to hear about how crazy or ridiculous this question is please, I'm serious and it's a belief, please don't respond with negativity! Thanks! :)




  1. Aliens will make themselves known on Dec 21st 2012 at exactly 11:11.

    I know it sounds crazy to know the exact minute, but they are very precise creatures, you would expect that from someone who traveled light years to study you.

    They are peaceful, they have just stayed hidden all these years observing us because they wanted to make sure we were ready to understand them.

    They will appologize for the cows that they mutilated, and all the people they gave anal probes to, but anal temperature is realated to ones ability to stay calm in extreme situations, so it was a nessessary test.

  2. Sorry if you don't want to hear about it go to Mythology.This is Science and Mathematics.There's none of that.There is no real evidence of Space Aliens visiting Earth.That said, I guess they could come anytime.If they have a timetable you will not find out about it here.

  3. Okay, so I'm not a 'beliver.'  However, I wouldn't rule it out.

    In any case, the aliens will contact us under the same conditions they always do in any sci-fi:

    a) when, in their benevolent knowledge, they deem us socially evolved enough for contact to not be totally catastrophic.

    b)when they discover we have some commodity they desire (land, seawater, human flesh, whatever).

    c)or by complete accident.  "Dammit, Gorth!  You crashed us again!"

    "Sorry, Jar-Jar!  It wasn't here the last time I passed through! 90 million years ago, this was just some rocks and hot gasses!  You know we have navigation problems in double Z sectors!

    Yea.  That's it.  Criteria for being deemed 'ready' probably has something to do with war, possibly religion.

  4. They have. Humans have yet to see the truth in their land.

    However, they may not announce their presence on TV or other media until they feel humans are ready for it.

    THAT might take awhile.

  5. the way things are unleashing ,it won't take no more than a decade,but that is just my opinion

  6. I'm only going to step out of my toad suit when I think the world is ready.

    Not for a while yet, unfortunately.


  7. No, aliens will not announce themselves to us.  The reason for this is any other life would have to fall within one of 3 categories:

    1.  The aliens are not as intelligent as us:  If this was the case, they would probably not have the technology to seek us out and if they were discovered, we would discover them before they discovered us.

    2.  The aliens are equal in intelligence as us:  If this was the case, we would both discover each other roughly the same time.  Since our ability to travel even to the furthest planets of our own galaxy is severely limited, it is not likely that another planet would have any better ability to travel from another galaxy.  We might communicate one day over distance, where radio would take days, weeks, hours, even years to travel each way, but direct contact would be unlikely.

    3.  The aliens are more intelligent than us:  If this is the case, they would consider us primitive and not be able to learn anything from us, other than from discrete surveillance, maybe like a scientist watches a mouse in a maze.  Maybe even an abduction or two now and then, but nothing the whole world would see.

    Based on this, I believe widespread contact with alien life to be unlikely, at least in the near future.

  8. When they need to.

  9. I think that aliens will "introduce" themselves as soon as we learn to live peaceably amoung ourselves.  We are still a primative race who has wars, kills each other, and generally trashes its home (Earth).

  10. Not until a strong majority of humans no longer believe in the current reality given them to believe.

  11. I agree that it is a belief. However, it's bad form to dictate who should answer and who shouldn't. The Yahoo Answers community is supposed to be free to ask and answer any questions. And you are asking this within the Science & Mathematics category, so you should expect answers from a scientific viewpoint.

    Speaking of which... since we have no evidence of an alien visit or evidence of how advanced alien civilizations are or even if there are any intelligent alien civilizations to begin with, we have nothing to base an estimate off of. It could be tomorrow or 20,000 years from now. Any guess is just as valid or invalid.

  12. Some people think they've already made themselves known... If not, they certainly won't make themselves known in your lifetime which is onlly a blink of time in the eye of existence. Sorry!

  13. They allready some

  14. If they are studying us, it seems plausible that they would take a scientific view and try and not let themselves be known. We humans do this all the time for virtually every type of animal we are studying "in the wild". Biologists know that if they are detected they will change the behavior of the animal they are studying so they try to avoid doing that. Also, on a purely practical level you have to ask what advantage it would be to the aliens to make themselves known. Sure, we want to know, but from their perspective why would they want us to know?

  15. Well, you won't recieve any negative feed back from me. I'm still kinda skeptical about the whole alien thing, but at the same time, I believe there is something else out there besides us. I think that they will let themselves be know when they believe the time is right. To do it anytime soon with so many non believers would be crazy. I think they are kind of like animals. They can since when something isn't right. Just be patient, and they will come!

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