
When do you think is the best time to teach your kids....?

by  |  earlier

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About drugs, alcohol and s*x....

And would prefer that they did it in your own home were they are being supervised instead of out on the streets where you're not completely sure if they are getting into more trouble....

I'm being genuine about this my kids are still pretty young and I'm trying to prepare myself for these sort of situations...




  1. I think you should teach about alcohol like at an early age like when there little and you can ssay things like thats a no no...but drugs and s*x I think like when there 10-11

  2. schools will get this out very early in life like around early elementary. (they have posters up all over schools about being drug free)

    however sounds like no matter if you agree with them doing it or not, they are allowed to test it and eventually use it when they get ready to and that you condone it. not sure if that was your intention but thats what I get.

    no my kids will not be bringing drugs or s*x into the home under any circumstances. if they get caught and go to jail for doing drugs then they will be spending thier time because i taught them better and i will not be bailing them out of thier bad chioces. as for s*x i suggest they hold off until marriage or at least until their over 18 and I have already started talking to my 12 year old son about how girls will trick you into getting pregnant becuase they want something to love and stuff like that. so no I wouldnt feel comfortable at all about them bringing home that trash in my house to contaminate the other childrens lives and the home that me and my husband have worked hard for.

  3. I would talk to them as soon as they start asking questions...My son was 3 and asked why there were crosses on an intersection close to our house...I took this opportunity to talk to him about driving safely, use of drugs and alcohol, seat belt use and also about how to drive when an emergency vehicle is coming with the lights on...It was a four car accident on a T that was casused by a drung driver and all 4 passengers were killed instantly...

  4. Alcohol at 8

    Drugs at 10

    s*x at 10

    How are you gonna teach them s*x in home?

  5. We will begin teaching them about these things and about abstaining from them (well abstaining from s*x until they are at least an adult, preferably married) as soon as they start asking questions about them.  I believe in being very open and honest about these things from the beginning and I will give honest age appropriate answers to any questions they have about any of those things.  I prefer my husband and I to do the educating because it's our responsibility.  

  6. I think drugs and alcohol really early like 7-12 but s*x you should wait till puberty or a little later when they mature

  7. If they ask you questions about these subjects at any age....give them the honest age appropiate answer.

    Now when I think you should bring these subjects up..and give abit of a "talk" is probably around age 8 or 11 depending on their maturity.

  8. If they're going to a public school..then, I'd say yes, teach them about it. If they're homeschooling..then its not necessary til they're older..  

  9. Start when your kids are young.  My oldest is 5-1/2.  We've already spoken with him about how certain parts of his body are private and he needs to protect them and keep them private.  We've told him if anyone ever tries to touch those parts or reveals those parts to him,  he needs to find help fast.  

    We've also already started teaching him that drugs and alcohol are bad.  He's never been in a situation where he's had to deal with these things, but we feel preparation is important.  He knows that drugs and alcohol are things to be avoided because they are mind-altering and bad for  your body.  Even though he sees ads for alcohol on TV and sees it in stores, he'll point to it and say "that is bad, we shouldn't drink it."  Of course, we also don't drink, so that makes it pretty clear it should be avoided.  If you do drink, you just need to tell them it's an adult drink and they can't have it yet--two reasons, one they aren't old enough by your standards, and two--there are laws governing the age when they will be old enough.

    Start when they are young, especially so you will be the one teaching it, not some stranger, friend or teacher at school.  

  10. In a school I taught at the students had the DARE program, (drugs/alcohol) taught by a local police offer, in 4th/5th grades, 5th grade they had the "video"...on menstrual cycles, erections, etc...(split by gender of course).

    Then, in Junior High they had a s*x ed course taught in science...they all required parental permission.  

    So, those are the ages...anywhere from 9/10 years old-13/14.  Plus I know in H.S. Health covers alot too...i remember i saw my first labor and delivery video junior year of h.s. and was horribly grossed out! haha!

    Anyway, good luck. It is all a matter of when you feel your child is mature enough to handle this conversation, curious, or ready.  You will know when your child is ready...and in today's world....probably sooner than later!

  11. well u should start to teach them as soon as u feel they are fully capable to comprehend right from wrong....n dats not really good advice for u to tell ur kids to do it at home because its jus as dangerous as doing drugs n alcohol in the streets...n anywaiiz theirs an a age requirement for drinkin n its for a reason u should research it...n when it comes to s*x if its a girl when he starts getting her period u can talk to her about s*x but once again dont encourage her to do it at a young age...tell her the pros and cons of it.......u can find a lot of pamphlets that talk about these subjects n that are made for parents .....u should go to this website here they talk about all those things n a lot of teens ask questions about them n u can read how the experts answer them back the correct way without influencing them the wrong way....hope i helped

  12. you don't pick the age they will pick the time children have eyes and ears you know they will ask you all sort of things " they will see things in tv and will hear things from friends " so what you can do is to keep a warm relation between you so they'd know that they can ask you whatever they want and if you don't know the answer just say i don't know .. let's look it over in a book ... this way whenever they notice or hear thing they will ask you and you then can decide how far you can go with giving them information ...

    you'r such a good mom ... good luck

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