
When do you think is the youngest O.K. age to be a mommy?

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When do you think is the youngest O.K. age to be a mommy?




  1. 20 'cause you're an adult.

    But I think the best is like 22+ or something, your baby needs to be taken care of.  

  2. 22+

  3. depends where you are in your life, but I say 23

  4. I don't think it's really so much age, but if the person is actually ready or not to be a mom. I think it depends on the person's financial status, job or schooling, living arangements, and a relationship with someone. But when ever someone happens to become a mom, then they will have to be ready. Surprises happen and for some reason it's meant to be.

  5. 19 as long as you have your own place and a job.  

  6. 19 or 20

  7. when your done soring your oats :)

  8. It's different for everyone.  My wife and I had our first child when we were just finishing up college and that was a difficult time for us.  We survived and wouldn't our daughter for anything, but it would have been nice to be a little more financially and occupationally (if thats a word) secure.  I don't mean we had to be rich but just stable or consistent with our pay checks and jobs.

  9. 24

  10. 25

  11. 20

  12. 16

  13. 12

  14. 30

  15. I don't think there is one.  I know women who have had children at all sorts of ages who are what I perceive to be good parents, and bad parents.

    For instance:  My sister in-law had her first at 17 and he is the most well behaved child i've ever met.  He has so much respect for his elders and loves learning.

    On the other hand:  My aunt had her first at age 41 and her little girl is quite the brat and has no respect for anyone.

    I would say the youngest you should ever consider having a child is 24.  Enjoy your teen years, get into your chosen field of work (and educated for it), enjoy being young and dating and having fun before making your life all about someone else.

  16. 20-25

  17. 21 and married.

  18. At least 21…..

    If you can’t legally drink until 21 yrs old because they don’t feel you’re “adult enough” to handle the responsibility, then I don’t think you are “adult enough” to have children before 21 either.

    A real reason though, I think about what I was doing at 16 yrs old, 18 yrs old, 21 yrs old….having babies should be the farthest thing from your mind. What happened to being a kid, being a teen, being involved in sports/music/hobbies, graduating high school and meeting new college freshmen, living in a dorm, enjoying college life….

    I truly enjoyed my younger years and I’ve grown up a lot from age 21 to now (I’m 25 yrs old). It’s about maturity and just having some life experience to know how to deal with certain situations. Anyone can get pregnant and have a child. NOT everyone is meant to be a great mother, a great parent. And I think a person who has more life experience, more maturity, more stability in life, would really make a better parent in the long run.

    That’s NOT to say that a younger person isn’t capable, I just don’t think it should be even close to being on the brain at that age. Life has so many more things to offer, babies will always be there.

    I had my son at 24 yrs old. I don't regret him one bit! But looking back at all the things I don't get to do, I can't do because of money, whatever the case is, putting off babies at a later time can most definitely help you out in giving yourself and future family (husband and children) a better life.  

  19. once your done school and have a mature, solid relationship... maybe have some college education... with that being said i would have to say 20+ but that all depends on how mature the future parents are. i'm 20 and have a beautiful baby boy and i'm totally capable of raising him.... you also have to be willing to commit all your time on someone else... aka the lil one...

    so once you've done all this.... i think your ready.. parenting isnt something to jump into.. its a lot of work and $$$ so really take the time and think about it... make sure its for the right reasons

  20. 21. i think it woukld be weird to be a mom and not be the legal drinking age. im 25 and haivng my first, and i feel like its the perfect age

  21. after college

    please anwers mines;...

  22. 20, no younger.

  23. Depends on when your ready and stable. 19 should be the youngest since you should be out on your own and stable by then.

  24. Once you are out of school (college) and are mentally and financially stable to have a child

  25. The person who said 16 probably had an oops pregnancy.

    You should be at the very least 19 and even that is a bit young.  I think you should be out of high school and done with having to go to gym class.  Now, whether I think that age is right is another story.

  26. depends on the person i know people who had kids at 16 and it all turned out fine

  27. In my opinion whenever. If your financially stable,  you have a job, and maybe another supporter on your side. That's when.

    When you have a good job, or at least one of you if your not alone, a house and money for food baby products etc. you are responsible for this life. and now for most people to be financially stable college is the answer.  

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