
When do you think limb regeneration is possible?

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How about healing wounds without scars?




  1. I think that will be a very long time.  The direction will probably instead be transplanting limbs and cybernetically linked artificial limbs.  A limb is probably to complex for us to make the body recreate from stratch.  Building one from stratch is turning out to be quite a challenge, but they have made great strides throughout the years.  Now, regenerating some organs might be possible.  With organs the cells are the function.  The structure is also important, but not as crazy complex as a limb.  With limbs you have to worry about bones, blood vessels, muscles, nerves, lymph glands, skins, and countless other structures.  Limbs are composed of many different pieces.

  2. their was a recent article  about a texas university group experimenting with grafts of certain trophic/growth factors,  which are proteins which do promote tissue generation and specialization,   on iraqi war vets who have amputations.  Apparently  their has been some success although to what extent i do not know,  however it has prompted the government to dump about 300 million dollars into the research  with more to come if some new results show promise.         I am pretty sure the growth factor they were working with was BDGF  or  bone derived growth factor.

    The promise of this type of research is very hopeful for many, however i still believe this technology is in its infancy and may not see miraculous results for 10-20 years.      

    The good thing is we are aware of this phenomenon being possible and understand the science to do so,    but their is no magic bullet "drug" which can induce the perfect limb to grow back.   More research and trials will help to formulate a graft which may show more pronounced effects.

  3. They have already developed genetically changed mice who can regenerate themselves.If they can do it with mice them doing it with humans will not be that far away.

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