
When do you think my due date is???

by  |  earlier

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ok not that im not trustin the doctor but it just doesnt make since to me.... ok my due date is nov 26 or 28 but that would puttin my gettin pregnant march the 5th... i was already pregnant that by that date.. i had a miscarriage on the 4th of feb and on the 12th me and my husband had unprotected and i never started my period back... i got pregnant with my daughter 2 years ago and know the day i got pregnant with her and it was the second of feb and they had her due date on the 23th of nov... so i really dont think that is my due date do yal??? please no smart*** comments or i will report you




  1. hm, it's difficult to say since you never started your cycle again it's a rough guesstimate on when you conceived. Dr's make up your due date going from the first day of your last period but you didn't have that with the m/c ( my sincerest apologies btw) if i were you i'd keep the date the Dr gave you in the back of your mind but be prepared for anything to happen anywhere from a week to 3 weeks in advance, stay healthy and relaxed, Best of luck!

  2. Hi

    I think you are due around mid November. Good luck. Your baby will be born when it is cooked.

  3. Well... If you had unprotected s*x on the 12th... and it takes a few days to implant then Your due date would be somewhere in the middle of November.  

  4. Hmm.. That is a little odd, i suppose the doctor knows more than me though but considering you didnt have a period, he cant go from there like they normally do.

    If you know you concieved on March 5th then it makes you 38wks on November 26th. I actually dont know, do they make your due date 40wks from it? I'd say the doctor's probably right, he is assuming you ovulated on the day you concieved, which is 2 weeks after your period, so he is assuming you period would have come on Feb 20th.

    If he went from your last period [or when it should have come] Like they normally do, then your 40wks exactly on November 26th.

    It makes sense. ; )

    Hope it helps x

  5. My first child went 275 days (over due).

    My second child went exactly 266 days (right on the money).

    All pregnancy's are a little different, but they vary a few days at most.

    Due date of 11-26 puts you -266 days at March 5 for conception. Subtract 10 days and it puts you at 2-26 for conception at 275 days pregnant.

    As far as I know, doctor's estimate 38 weeks exactly and don't put a 10 day buffer in.

    So...if your doctor says you are due 11-26, then you got pregnant on March 5.  

    If you are sure about your dates, you might want to get a 2nd opinion (a 2nd doctor).  Trust is very important for mommy during pregnancy.  So even a percieved mistrust (and this is what you have right now or you wouldn't be asking strangers for help) will stress you out and it will be worth your well being to get the 2nd opinion.  

    He may be going off your last menstral cycle ("Childbirth usually occurs about 38 weeks from fertilization, i.e., approximately 40 weeks from the start of the last menstruation in humans."

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