
When do you think our civilisation will be advanced enough to provide assistance with suicide for those with?

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depression or anxiety?




  1. Advanced ,No civilised society would ever provide this ,terminal illness or disabilities with continues pain maybe, through debate .but depression or anxiety which can be treated no

  2. With God's grace, never!

  3. euthanasia ( someone helping another commit suicide )

    is already an extremely controversial topic. Although committing suicide is now legal, it is illegal to commit euthanasia. I think that it will be along time till its may be legal, that would mean the British government making an important decision. ; )

  4. assisted suicide for depression or anxiety will probably never ever happen.....our society is advanced enough to know not to kill people for depression!! even in countries in which assisted suicide is legal, patients are screened for depression.  This is because alot of terminally ill patients become depressed and responsible people do not want somebody to end their lives because they are depressed.  

    People can beat depression, they cannot beat terminal illness.  Thats why its called terminal.

    If it were made legal to provide assisted suicide for depressed people they would just be escaping their problems instead of dealing with them....people would be going for it left right and centre and a whole lot of familys and friends would be left thinking that they didn't even have a clue their friend was suicidal due to that person not bothering to discuss their problems simply because they found an easier alternative!!!

    I hope the world never comes to the level of advancement you want it to.....and you say we are supposed to think scientifically for this answer....seems to me you didn't think very scientifically about your question.

  5. Um.

    There are circumstances in which euthanasia is perfectly valid, circumstances in which it is borderline, and circumstances in which it is bloody stupid.  

    Depression falls into the lattermost category.  Many people who suffer depression and suicidal feelings are treatable by established therapies - not just drug treatments, but psychological treatments such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.  

    The whole point of euthanasia is that it is what you do when there are no other options.  

    Oh, and incidentally, euthanasia is PERFECTLY legal within the UK, provided you know how to do it.

  6. Now, in fact my sister just done a report on it

  7. i am afraid not

    all three are problums with imbalance with the brain as of yet we can not change the way the brain works

  8. It depends how depressed the person is. Before, I wouldn't have said that these problems require suicide, but I suppose if they are very severe...

    The problem is that cures for mental illnesses are very different from physical ones. Could you be sure that everything possible has been done to try cure them and that there is no practical solution to their problems?

    It is different for physical problems where it is obvious that there is no cure and I supprt euthenasia in those cases.

    The thing is that every case is different... it will certainly not be in the forseeable future in my opinion.

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