
When do you think should be the latest time that the government order a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans?

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Given the uncertainty of the track of Gustav (see below), are any other gulf cities considering an evacuation (mandatory or otherwise)?




  1. I live near galveston, Im very concerned but im just keeping an eye out on it.  

  2. There was a yahoo article and the governor said they have to evacuate New Orleans within 30 hours prior to the expected time Gustav will hit them.

  3. I'm evacuating but its hitting more around Lake Charles than New Orleans. I live in Louisiana also.

  4. If you've seen the Spike Lee documentary, "When The Levees Broke", then you'll know that ordering a Mandatory Evacuation was something he was not comfortable with because once you order a Mandatory Evacuation, the city government is technically responsible for helping those who do not have the means to evacuate.

    As a general rule of thumb, I use use the following guidelines. If the area you live in comes under a Hurricane Watch, Voluntary Evacuations should be ordered. If the area you live in comes under a Hurricane Warning, Mandatory Evacuations should be ordered.

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