
When do you think that the Ozone layer will gone?

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When do you think that the Ozone layer will gone?




  1. The ozone layer is NOT recoving.   It is no smaller than it was 20 years ago when CFCs were banned.    

    They were WRONG about CFCs, and now they want us to believe them about CO2.

  2. Sorry ,but the ozone layer is so high that there is nothing from man that can get there. It is formed where the solar winds collide with the earth's magnetic. The CFC's never even came close.  

  3. I don't - the ozone layer is recovering thanks to a concerted international effort to address the problem.

    Now, if we could apply the same solution to AGW, then another problem could be resolved with a minimum of disruption to our lives...

  4. i think we cant cure the hole in the ozone. but if we keep living like this it might be gone. i dont think anytime soon but its getting bigger and we need ppl to start caring for the world. the ozone hole is getter pretty big check this pic out. im not sure when its taken but im pretty sure its reliable since its from nasa

    well hopefully this helps.

    ohh and in science i remember my teacher saying on i think it was one C02 molecule (sorry im horrible at remebering things and scienctific names and stuff) can break thousands of ozone molecules which comes from spray paint and other fumes

  5. according to scientific calculations {latest},the world will come to an end on/around 21st August 2012. Now howzzzat!!!

  6. Right after i finish with this chocolate sundae pie... MmmMmmm!

  7. It is not going away and it probably never will. The ozone layer thing came about because the company that started the Co2 refrigerant scare back in the 30s finally had to allow generic brands on the market of its chlorinated fluorocarbons. Due to its patents all expiring during the 80s they needed some way to bring their new less efficient refrigerants and aqueous cleaners on to the market and also at the same time get their older products now being made by their competitors in cheaper generic form banned from the market.

    Just another marketing ploy which is very common when a companies patents run out and they are faced with heavy generic competition.

  8. Um, never.  The ozone problem was corrected years ago. The only Ozone risk involves the flipping of the earth's magnetic field.  If the Earth's magnetic field disappears for a prolonged period of time, the solar wind could severely damage the ozone layer.  Other than that, there is no current problem with the ozone layer.  

  9. In about 5.....



  10. it wont. unless we go back to using CFCs. the most resent research is indicating that the "hole" has stabilized for now and that by 2075 the hole should be back to pre 1980 levels.

  11. It won't be. Ever. Even if we go back to emitting CFCs and the like, the ozone would not disappear.

    The ozone is self replenishing, as it is created by UV rays reacting with the oxygen molecules in our atmosphere. Sure, CFCs break down ozone, along with many naturally occurring free radicals in our atmosphere.

    The ozone hole may have been naturally occurring to some extent, and we made it worse with our production of chlorinated and brominated organic molecules, but the ozone would not have, and will not, completely disappear.

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