
When do you think the Jonas Brothers....???

by Guest57875  |  earlier

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...will do another tour in the fall or the winter after they finish the Burnin' Up Tour????

btw...I live in Toronto,Ontario(Canada)




  1. It was said by one of the street team owners that they are going to shoot JONAS and Camp Rock 2. then start a world tour

  2. I heard they r supposed 2 do 1 in early 2009 but idkif they r going 2 Canada!!

  3. Didn't someone just ask this like thirty minutes ago?

  4. didn't you already ask this...?

  5. they would do one in winter

    i heard it from this girl

    actually that girl with the dates are true

  6. In the winter, there's rumors they're doing a canadian tour with drake bell

    Jan.3, 2009 - Pacific Coliseum - Vancouver, BC

    Jan. 5, 2009 - Rexall Place - Edmonton, AB

    Jan. 7, 2009 - Credit Union Centre - Saskatoon, SK

    Jan. 9, 2009 - MTS Centre - Winnipeg, MB

    Jan. 11, 2009 - Air Canada Center - Toronto, ON

    Jan. 13, 2009 - Scotiabank Place - Ottawa, ON

    Jan. 15, 2009 - Bell Centre - Montreal, QC

    i don't know if its true though

  7. I think they are  good guys..

  8. u already asked this and i answered.  wasnt my answer good enough??  (cry, tears)  lol

  9. hopefully never, dont put Canada through that torture

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