
When do you think the UK economy will begin to recover?

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  1. When the appropriate societal corrections have taken place. That goes for the rest of us too. We have been wasteful, complacent, apathetic and greedy. We have been like children in a candy store.

  2. When your gov. stop meedling with it.

  3. when will america stop going downhill?

  4. I believe the UK and the USA will not see improvement for at least ten years. Additonally, I believe it will get worse before it gets better.

    Now I tell you why I think so:  none of our leaders in government or business were alive during the Great Depression.  They seem clueless about what is happening and why - and how to reverse it.  

    The "pollyannas" who are paid to shroud truths say this is not a recession.  I say: BS!!!

    Not only is this a recession, but we are on track for a depression that will make the "great one" look like a bad day at the race track.

    I have no good idea what the individuals can do about the mess.  I surely wish I did.

  5. When the EEC gathers strength ,by which time we will be nothing more than a state of europe.                                                                                                         Yours sincerely    G.Browne.

  6. Somebody said on the news the other day it'll probably be in about 2-3 years. It's the Government that's greedy. Especially with fuel, half of it is tax. They were fine when it was back at 80p for a litre they can bloody change it back again. The whole country's gone mad.

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