
When do you think the air cars will become popular?

by Guest56393  |  earlier

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  1. In the year 2050.

  2. Hopefully before the second

    Great website, Thanks and a star for u

  3. i suppose flying cars will require alot of energy per gram.and since fuels are heavy,maybe flying cars will start to exist in abt 50years time or so.but will be more environmental frenly in maybe erm...well,can't say.if after a hundred years of industrial work and no improvements for the environment,i guess it'll be almost impossible to assume when every will agree to the idea of flying cars as it'll really pollute the environment.

  4. Within in the 50 to 100 years. Its not the next big/popular alternative fueled powered car, but its the car after that.

  5. They won’t become popular until the infrastructure is in place.

    But they do have a good head start if the range of 800 miles is true. That’s more than enough to satisfy almost everyone.  You could drive all day and charge up at night.

    And the projected price isn’t bad, but they’re not in production yet, and until they really start building them and the number firm up they can say anything they want. So once they’re in production and if California will call them a zero emission vehicle, I guessing they won’t because you’re going to get some oil in the exhaust,   but if they do there will be a readymade market. And if they hit it big in California then they’ll move up the coast then across the country.

    So say 10 years after production starts, if they make the numbers and California classifies them as a ZEV.


    To Dana1981, Master of Science

    I agree with you on that fact that an air powered car is not as efficient then a straight electric car, but if they meet their projected 800 mile range they’ll have a very strong selling point. Can name any new batteries that are coming down the pike that come anywhere close to that? I can’t.

    The ongoing problem with electric car is still range and recharge time. If I’m at home and only drive 100 miles or less per day then a electric car is perfect, but let’s say I need to drive for 6 hours, in an electric car I’ll need to charge or change out batteries about every two hours but with is car I don’t have to stop at all. Again if they meet their projected range, if they do then you have a car that can take on the internal combustion engine, and if it’s much more efficient then the internal combustion engine then so much the better.

  6. I want to say maybe in 2200. Do they even have a Prototype in the works? Okay, I just looked at the website. I change my answer to  the year 2040.


  8. I don't think they ever will.  An air car is essentially just a less efficient electric car.  They use the electricity to power the air compressor, which then compresses the air in the car which mechanically moves the pistons.  That process is much less efficient than storing the electricity in a battery and using it to run an electric motor, which are 90% efficient.

    There's a reason so many auto makers are developing electric cars and so few are developing air cars.

  9. Once an envirnomentally friend house is popular

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