
When do you think the swastika will be synonumous with the Hindu faith again, and not Nazism?

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I'd especially like to hear what someone of the Hindu faith has to say on the matter, because I can't imagine how much that would p**s me off. And I'd think twice if you saying never, because that is a very long time...




  1. When I see an unadorned Swastika, I automatically mentally associate it with Nazism.  The same symbol, this time dressed up with distinctly Hindu imagery, gives an entirely different impression.  Sadly, the Nazism link is going to linger for a very long time, but it can be avoided if the symbol has the Hindu imagery surrounding it.

    Unfortunately, there will always be people who associate the symbol with Nazism, no matter what you do to it, but I believe there are a lot of people who will see it for it's earlier meaning if you make it that little bit more obvious to them.

  2. Never.

    It's called BRANDING.  And any marketing person will tell you that it is done and done.  The swastika will mean death, destruction, and everything having to do with racism and oppression and the n**i party forever and ever.

    And as far as people forgetting about the Holocaust after all the people who lived through those wars and days die, that's ridiculous.  Nobody will ever forget.

  3. probably not until everyone who was alive during World War 2 AND their grandchildren die out. after that, it wont be such a personal thing to people, because of people of our generation we most likely know someone who was affected by the n**i regime. after a couple decades itll just be another thing in history and not such a proximity.

  4. It never was, the n***s reversed the Chinese good luck sign (clockwise) and used it as a sign of death, destruction and power, the opposite of the counter clockwise good luck emblem.

    The emblems are both still used though.

  5. That will happen when the international media (tv, newspapers etc) and the internet inform people that the n***s actually 'borrowed' the Swastika from the Hindu people.

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