
When do you think the world will end?

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I have a friend who's going to U of I, and she is CONVINCED the world is going to end in 2012. (the year we graduate college). I haven't really heard her evidence as to why, but I'm just curious as to what people on here think.




  1. It isn't important when it is going to end.  It's important that is is here now, and you should take advantage of it.

  2. The Mayan Calendar ends on 2012. It's total bullshit though, as are most of the mumbo jumbo end o' the world theories. I'd be more worried about some nut job getting his hands on a nuclear warhead.

  3. ok ..  my friend seems to predict this as our future so i'm going to try and tie this to ur question (with a positve twist).

    the world may end.. how when  what ever.  so to make this positive we could see it as sort of a conversion from the (carnal) man,  to energy

  4. The world will end when some nut job pulls the trigger on the nuclear bombs we have in some dark room. But the 2012 thing...some people belive the world will end and some believe that it is change that will happen. The mayans who made this were not idoits, they predicted that Dec 21,2012 that there will be a galactical allignment with out computers or telescopes. So maybe...i do not know , i rather see the world end be humans than something greater than us. Also God never intented that life will go on forever...

  5. The *world*? Probably when the sun goes supernova in a few billion years and incinerates the planet, or when it's hit by an object massive enough to knock it out of its orbit.

    As far as human life, who knows? It seems most likely that we'll blow ourselves all to h**l or totally poison the earth before the species dies out naturally, but who can say how long before any of those things will happen?

  6. In my opinion, mankind generates myths and prophecies concerning the end of the world to create a false sense of security.  It makes them feel that they somehow have a say in what will happen and when.  One can no more accurately predict the end of the world than they can their own death.  It can happen at any time and any place, but we do not have a say in it unless we take matters into our own hands and destroy ourselves prematurely through premeditated conscious effort.

    We are a very frightened race of beings who share in the fear of death with all creatures.  To belay that fear we create all manner of delusions (stated in the fact that they cannot be tangibly verified -- although I still have an open mind concerning whether or not they may be real) ranging from reincarnation, after-lives, Heaven and h**l (one's life's choices determining which they will go to), an eternal soul (which may or may not have human origins), end-time prophecies and prophecies in general, etc.

    In my view, prophecies of the end-times can only bring forth further suffering.  For years now, many powerful men have tried to mimic the alleged events surrounding one of the most popular prophecies: Revelation, from purposely trying to rebuild the lost city of Babylon to creating a currency that resembles the Mark of the Beast in any way.  This, in my opinion, is only to fuel mass panic among those who believe in these things, as people in panic are often times much more easy to control than those who live life with a cool and logical mindset.

    Concerning those prophecies, it will now most likely be impossible to unite the world under one banner as a one world organization because the idea is now so feared due to concepts of psychic control, manipulation, and dictatorship, rather than the focus on the one goal we desire most: world peace and harmony.  In the end, we have set the goal in focusing more upon the earth's destruction than on having peace until whatever time it comes upon us and it shall only lead to one thing: destruction, and many are willing to play a hand in making prophecies true than defying them in the name of love for their world and fellow man.

    Therefore, it is in my view that Revelation and prophecy in itself should be defied and overthrown for the sake of love, rather than the selfish pursuit of personal transcendence over those you would otherwise condemn as evil for not sharing your beliefs.  After all, we are all judged collectively more than we are individually, based on the fact that one man can set the tone for a new encounter with an unknown race of beings by his personal and singular actions.  Until we realize that, we will all be bickering among ourselves in selfish zeal, hoping for our own personal transcendence when transcendence or a lack thereof is a collective rather than independent goal.

  7. nodbody noes the exact date the world will end. i think your friend is being paranoid. god only noes because he created the world and he controls everything. if sombody tells they noe when the world will end there lying strait to your face.

  8. in a few billion years.

  9. I have heard that too like 12 -12 -2012  or something. The truth is, no one knows when that will happen. For years people have been making predictions. And when it does happen it will be so fast, "in the twinkling of an eye", that one second we will be working or whatever and the next we will be in heaven with our Lord.

  10. i think the world will end when god has planned it to end, and we shouldn't worry about it, because when it happens, it happens. we have no control and we should just live our lives and not worry about that stuff.

  11. The world being planet Earth will end when some mega cosmic event destroys it, but if you are referring to civilization as we know it, it is quite possible that there will be a MAJOR CHANGE  in 2012 as we move into a new cosmic cycle.This does not however, necessarily mean that it will end. There is also the possibility of a major risk in 2030 and 2060 approx. and if someone in power with nukes goes crazy sometime in the future it could all end at any moment.

    From a religious/Christian point of view, the world will end when God decides so.

    And individually it ends for each of us when we die.

    As for me, I don't think that I would get myself in debt anytime soon expecting that the world will end and I won't have to pay it back.

  12. It is beyond human capacity to predict. I would suspend my judgment like the ancient stoics and let God decide (by that i mean if there is a God).

  13. I don't think the world will end in 2012 thats more of a cult belief atleast not because the mayans foretold it so. I believe there will be significant changes  to the earth by the year 2012. Based on theories of global warming, and our recent weird weather patterns I believe the earth is gearing up towards some big catastrophic event. Some people believe that the sun will be changing by 2012 usually with each cycle of the sun and the beginnings of change a sunspot will move backwards around the sun signaling this. Scientists have spotted one backwards sunspot with strange behavior however it disappated in a matter of minutes not hours or days which is common with the next cycle of a star.... If the sun changes radiation will enter into the earths atmosphere and we won't have time to worry about it. ( just a theory)  If what they are saying is true and the magnetic poles shift and do not shift gradually then it could tear the earth apart and cause major catastrophes weather wise and gravitationally speaking.

    A comet was scheduled to be  entering near earths atmosphere at this time sending us into another ice age however scientists prodict that this will not be close enough to be pulled in by our gravitational pull til somewhere in 2032-2036. At any time a comet could enter our atmosphere and send us into another ice age and we do not have the technology to stop it at this point in time so we are at risk everyday.  I'm not really worried about 2012 because I'm sure whatever comes if anything comes we will not be able to stop it. Mayans were far advanced astronomically and mathmatically but there are several things that we know about today that they did not know about when doing their calculations. They were still very primitive compared to our advanced culture, even with the advancements and predictions that they made. Am I worried about 2012 not really. The mayans didn't say the earth will end they said the  earth as we know it will end. This could mean any change it does not mean that the world will end, just that there will be big change.

    There already is big change. Notice any weird weather patterns lately?


  14. Soon enough! When we least expect it...

    WHAM! Its gonna hit harder that a mother with a leather belt!

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