
When do you think there will be flying cars?

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when do you think the airline industry will fall apart? i don't think flying cars are a good idea.




  1. NEVER. Even if we DID have them, THINK ABOUT IT. WHERE would you land and take off from? the street in front of your house???

    Would you simply fly into the local filling station to gas up????

    NOPE. Never gonna happen.

  2. They are called airplanes. They have been around for quite a while. Air traffic controllers would really love it if everything could fly,

  3. You have obviously never been over the railway tracks at Broadview and Queen. Hit those at any speed over 50 MPH and you are going to see a car fly.

  4. I don't think the airline industry will fall apart. It is embedded into our everyday lives. Mail, cargo, and people will all continue to fly... Flying is serious dangerous business. I have a commercial license. Flying requires intensive training and frequent testing, and has many rules to be followed. Flying is self-regulating, no airplane police... no need really, if you don't follow the rules, you won't live very long. If the people I see on highways all flew, their would quickly be a lot less people... Also, Cars need to be strong for accident protection from all those careless drivers and the inherent risks of driving, and are currently too heavy to fly well. Airplanes don't have too much to hit when all goes well, and if you do hit something, you aren't so likely to survive as little of the design is really trying to help you in a crash. The point in an airplane is not to crash.

    For every hour you ride in a light piston airplane, your odds of dying are 100 times less than that hour in a car, and 1000 times less in an airliner. Cars are killing us, but nobody seems to think about it. As soon as an airliner crashes, every one perks up, but later that day many more people will die in cars. It's so embedded into our way of life...

    Airplanes, even small ones use more gas than a car for the same distance, but they get you there very quickly. A typical figure is 10 gallons an hour, to go 140 mph, and instead of tolls, you have take-off and landing fees, which are at some airports and are higher than road tolls...

  5. Oooh, about 70 years ago.....what do you think planes are, other than flying cars?..and busses.

  6. Not for a long, long, time.

    The average driver can't even handle driving on a flat surface with the ability to stop.

    Flying, youv'e got to watch three dimensions, you can't stop,

    and you've got to plan ahead for weather.

    Add to that, that flying takes a lot more energy than rolling,

    and it's just not about to happen.

    It would need some sort of computer flight and traffic control, and

    a source of cheap energy.

    We've got neither.

  7. In 2015...DUH!!  Haven't you ever seen Back To The Future Part 2?

  8. Well its hard to determine when the will be flying cars and I extremly doubt that the airline industry will fall apart. Its way to important and they make way to much money for that to happen. Flying cars have already been consructed but the US economy is soo bad that I extremely doubt they will come out with them anytime soon.(Blame Bush) Flying Cars are to much money to consruct and plus the goverment wants the money you pay on tolls and gas. Hope I helped =)

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