
When do you think we will run out of gas?

by  |  earlier

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Maby instead of forking out cash for expensive hybrids, we should prepare for the worst, and save up for some hydrogen cars instead, whenever they hit the market, like the one honda is now producing




  1. It is predicted that we will run out of gas 150 years (approx)

    from now.

  2. Most likely on a very rainy day, when I don't have my jacket or an umbrella.

    However; I don't expect it to be in my lifetime, sooo, like most old fogies my age, I'm not worrying about it, enough.

  3. Trust me, its worth the time copying and pasting this URL into your URL bar and visiting this site.

  4. I think we have less than 100 years left that's only for the USA if you think about all the other countries in the world we have 25 years left but probably more. I think there are a lot more important things than how much is left out planet can only withstand so much CO2 we need to minimize how much we use or use none at all.

  5. The problem isn't that we're going to actually run out of gas, or rather crude oil that we can refine into gasoline, but rather that world wide demand for oil will constantly overtake supply, thereby raising the price astronomically.  There will always be oil in the ground somewhere, but eventually it will be just too expensive to go get it.  

    When the world first started using crude oil a mere 100 years or so ago, it was easy to get to.  You could drill down 150 feet or so in Pennsylvania and strike oil.  Now you have to go out to the middle of the ocean to a depth of about 10,000 feet, then drill down a mile or two below the ocean floor to find new oil!  Which oil do you think is more expensive to extract?

    Hydrogen cars are 10-20 years away from being viable, if they ever come to the market.  GM has an experimental hydrogen car, it cost them about $1,000,000 to build.  I think that's more expensive than most hybrids on the market to day, but I'd have to check.  The future may be in Plug In Electric Hybrid cars, that can run solely on a charge from an electrical outlet for 40 miles or so before the gas engine kicks in.  Check out the Chevy Volt that's supposed to be coming out in 2010:

  6. hydrogen isnt even necessarily the answer, its a good alternative, but some dude made an engine that ran off of water.

    we should wait until that idea gets refined, so there isnt 2 big shifts.

    its impossible to run out of oil.

    someone stated before, it is naturally made, and while currently it is limited, it will always reproduce. plus, there is peak oil theory, but that can be in the further future if we find a more efficient way to extract oil

    good question

  7. We really won't run out of gas. Sure we have a limited supply and a peak oil, but due to the law of supply and demand oil prices will skyrocket as there is less oil and hopefully an alternative will be cheaper.

    otherwise we are screwed

  8. They don't know yet because global warming is opening up offshore sites in the Arctic to exploration and drilling!

  9. Never.

  10. Never. Oil is a bi product of the molten core of the earth, and thus will never run out. Think of it as the blood of the earth. We can prick ourselves all we want with needles. Blood will come out, but we wont run out if its just a prick. Thats what were doing.   poking the earth with needles.

  11. Don't see the purpose of the question really.

    No one on earth is smart enough to know that answer because no one has a first hand knowledge of where all the oil is. Even if we go by the known deposits...including the ones that our own Whacky government and enviromentalis freaks won't let us get to, we have hundreds of years available.

    I mean get real, no one know's the exact OIL PEAK, because no one know's how much oil there is. All they can go by is the 'best indicators' which is to say how much oil they get out of certain wells, and if its decreasing, then they panic, when all it really means is that the oil from that particular well is at perhaps its peak. It isn't as if all the oil in the world is connected together with each other and available to anyone with an oil derrick.

    Some say the peak happened decades ago, some say it was at the beginning of the 21st century, some say its yet to come. They may as well be these freaks that claim Jesus is coming and set a time , date and location.......and then nothing happens.

    Fact is, you can take all the solar, biodiesel, wind alternative energies you want and they don't make a dent in the amount of oil we use as a nation every year. That's the cold hard facts. Nuclear is viable for energy, Bio reactors might be if we have the room to put it and we keep terrorist out of the fields so they can't sabotage them.....which leads us to the war on terror having to win world wide, not only in iraq. But there isn't much we can do nationally to become oil independant. Anything anyone can think of usually would depend on the sun to shine, the wind to blow, massive amounts of real estate and lets not forget the budget to clean off the solar cells or keep the mechanical windmills turning right, etc, etc.

    I'm not saying don't think green, I'm just saying its a gradual course. Stop freaking out about it, stop ruining people's lives over your obssession and realize the truth when it comes to how much power we use compared to the power these systems actually generate.

  12. SOON!!!!!  (IN A YEAR OR SOOO)

  13. I've heard a conspiracy theory that we'll never run out, but I'm not sure if I believe it.  Not enough proof yet.  If we keep doing what we're doing, I'd say soon.  Within 100 years as a max, but that's just me.

  14. well if the stupid liberals will let us drill in our own country then we will most likely never run out of gas and we wont have to pay so much for it!

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