
When do you think we will see a change it housing market?

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I have 2 house in California I plan on moveing out of state if I sell them now Im going to lose a lot of money. What can I do with them one I am all already renting out the other Im living in. How long do you think before houses are going to go up in price again.




  1. the housing market will rebound,  I hear estimates of 2011.  but that does not mean that it will be anything like the market boom a few years ago.  Calif will probably be one of the last states to pull out considering its sooooo expensive to begin with.  I know we moved out of calif last summer.  

    Id say sell now you probably wont lose money just not make as much as you wish, and any money you lose in calif will be made up by the lower price you'll pay for a home in another state.  

    This is what happened to us.  We moved from Longbeach to NC.  Was the best decision we ever made.  We dont miss the pollution, congestion or gangs one bit.

  2. please answer mine;...

  3. real estate cycles last for years, "tops" were on 1982, 1991, and now 2007. So consider to keep the properties for maybe 10 years before increasing their value. Unless, this crash will not turn out in japanese style: no increase of values 1991/today...

  4. No Matter what the naysayers believe ; it all boils down to just what particuliar area you are in ...

    Like here in Florida .... Most areas are not doing well with homes that are already built .... However; in THIS particular subdivision , homes are increasing in value at a MODEST rate AND is considered a Choice area to buy .... Three homes have sold around me for a decent price in the last two months ...

    I personally believe that it was the REALTORS who caused all this real estate mess to begin with .

    They convinced people to sell their homes at a LOWER price just so they could make a few xtra $$$; THEN when the appraisers began doing other properties .... they got undervalued because the home around them had been sold for much LESS than they were actually worth ...

    The key to selling your home is a REPUTABLE Realtor who does LOTS of ADVERTISING ....  

  5. I think you are in for a wait.  You might be better off selling them on a purchase contract.

  6. 2011 at earliest before starting to see price increases again.  

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