
When do you wipe out a friend?

by  |  earlier

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When you have a falling out with a (real-life) friend and you don't talk to each other long should you wait until you delete them from your friends list on instant messenger and from all your contacts, etc. online (and out of your cell phone and like that too for that matter)? I mean, it doesn't seem like a big deal, but it kind of is...I don't want to hurt anyones feelings but, what's the sense of keeping them in there if they don't talk to you anyway? Also, I don't want to keep seeing their stuff pop up all the time (questions and answers, blogs, online, offline, etc)...but, it seems sort of final to delete them (I know it sounds silly). In other words, how long would you wait to wipe out all contact with a friend after it has become clear that the friendship is over?




  1. No more than 6 months. Friends come and go...don't fret over it.

  2.'s sad that it has come to a question like this.  i'm sorry.  it just shows how impersonal we are when all we do is talk online and blah blah blah.

    i don't think there is a set timeline for deleting somebody off of your contacts list or buddy list.  if you don't talk to them just get it off.  right?

  3. never cause u guys could get back together and start talking like old times

  4. IMMDENTALY you know judging by your picture i would assume you would be a heartless person as you seem in a street gang, yet there has been girls that would just do it immadently and not care ,yet u do, you know they do say girls are worse lol but i suppose it's what's on the inside not the out. !!!!

  5. when you are sure you never wanna talk or hear from them ever again.

  6. You are worried about everyone else's feelings..what about yours!

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