
When do your kids go to the toilet all by themselves?

by  |  earlier

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My oldest girl is nearly 5 and refuses to go to the toilet by herself. Is this normal? It's driving me nuts!




  1. i was traind wen i was 2 its all bout the parents who train the kids

  2. if she is toileting by herself using the toilet I wouldn't worry about having to go in with her. It will wear off . I would be worried if however she wouldn't use the toilet at all.

    She will go to school soon and the big girl thing will take over then she wont want you at all. They start to have a little privacy then.My youngest was the same and I have now started to space myself telling him I just have to check on something and i will be back in a min ...I give him a min or so and then come back. He now understands that i wont just leave him in there to forget about. Don't stress about it ,it's just a phase and all my children have gone through it

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