
When does Darwin refer to human beings in 'the origin of species'???

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i'm looking for a section in the book "the origin of species" by charles darwin in which he was thinking about human beings as well as other organisms when he put forth his theory of evolution???




  1. Darwin carefully steered away from expressly addressing the evolution of man in "The Origin of Species" - he waited until 1871 before publishing "The Descent of Man", which is where he addresses the evolution of humanity.

  2. Read all you like here for free....the complete works online                                                                                              This should take you directly to the first edition                                   He didn't say much about humans in origin of species.You'll have to read here and here (Darwin on human origins)    Also,I'll leave you with this if you are interested :A good book to start off with is The Selfish Gene or Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea .

    Also you can read ,in no particular order.Climbing Mount Improbable,Genome An Autobiography Of A Species in 23 chapters,The Blind Watchmaker,The Ancestors Tale,The Mating Mind,The Red Queen, From D.N.A. To Diversity, A few more i thought of Deep Time : Paleobiology's Perspective ,Genetics in the Wild , Frogs, Flies, and Dandelions: Speciation--The Evolution of New Species,The Making of the Fittest: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution ,

    Endless Forms Most Beautiful: The New Science Of Evo Devo And The Making Of The Animal Kingdom by Sean B. Carroll This book is fun if you want something fast paced and about the creepy world of parasites Parasite Rex Here are some of my reccomended resources :A good place to start out with is It's a really good site that's easy for even beginners to follow.If you want to have a little more fun,check out or ,

  3. The only mention of human evolution in Origin of Species is in one sentence in the conclusion to the last chapter (Chap. 14), where Darwin muses on future research: "Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history."

    (p. 488)

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