
When does FAA approves AMOC?

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An FAA AD was carried out yet in doing so an Alternative Method Of Compliance was actually done in accomplishing the said AD. So this AD unless the AMOC is approved is still not yet complied. Will there be a reprieve for AD being due but done AMOC?




  1. If I understand the question right, the AMOC is the alternative method for complying with the AD -- so it's complied with.

  2. If the AD has been accomplished using an approved AMOC (there will be letter from the FAA to approve it), then it is complied with by that operator. If the AMOC is transferrable, then if the aircraft changes hands, the AD remains complied with.

    If the AMOC is NOT transferrable, then the AD will have to be re-accomplished without the AMOC.

    So, no you will not get a reprieve. It is either transferrable or it has to be done.

  3. The FAA requires the operator to submit the AMOC for FAA approval prior to acomplishing the AD using AMOC.

    14 CFR 39 Airworthiness Directives, Sec. 39.19

    [May I address the unsafe condition in a way other than that set out in the airworthiness directive?]

    [ Yes, anyone may propose to FAA an alternative method of compliance or a change in the compliance time, if the proposal provides an acceptable level of safety. Unless FAA authorizes otherwise, send your proposal to your principal inspector. Include the specific actions you are proposing to address the unsafe condition. The principal inspector may add comments and will send your request to the manager of the office identified in the airworthiness directive (manager). You may send a copy to the manager at the same time you send it to the principal inspector. If you do not have a principal inspector send your proposal directly to the manager. You may use the alternative you propose only if the manager approves it.]

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