
When does Maurice Clarett get out of jail and will he ever play in the nfl he's only 24.?

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When does Maurice Clarett get out of jail and will he ever play in the nfl he's only 24.?




  1. not sure when he gets out, but he won't play again in the nfl. too many character issues. he held some people up and do you really think he'll come out in football shape? same with vick. I don't really think you'll see vick either in the nfl, although since he actually PLAYED in the nfl he has a better shot than clarett.  

  2. I don't know when he get out of jail, but he worked out with the Denver Broncos and did not make the team.

    I don't know what his skills would be like once he is out of jail. This is a skill position that he play/

    I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.

    "FIGHT ON"

  3. His football career, is over.

    His criminal career, is just beginning.

  4. before he went to jail, he was on his way to try out for a canadian football time goes on his chances diminish...not sure when he is out, but I doubt he even plays in Canada when he does get out

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