
When does Michael Phelps swims again for the Olympics?

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When does Michael Phelps swims again for the Olympics?




  1. tonight

  2. Tomorrow night and d**n i hope someone from China beats him.

  3. i saw him swim a couple days ago winning first i think each time. i dont think they r gonna swim but check out what others have to say

  4. so far he's done like 11 out of the 17 swims he wants to do

    so he might be swimming today or again in 2-3 days probably?

    MICHAEL PHELPS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO TEAM USAAAAAA!!!!!!!!



  5. He is now done with all of his swims. He got Gold in all of them and world records in 7. He won't even go for eight gold again. But he may swim in the olympics.

  6. He swims every day.

    If your in the west, hes going to swim again tonight at 10 PM on nbc, i dont think its live though.

  7. 2012

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