
When does Summer usually start in Britain??

by Guest58369  |  earlier

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When does Summer usually start in Britain??




  1. o_O sorry dude I did not know there was a difference..

    wow I feel dumb.

  2. You get a few weeks of sun in May time...which we all think is a promise of good summer. It then is cold and rainy unitll July or August. Usually it's sunny whilst you're abroad, and rains the rest of the time, or there's a drought and no-one in the South-East can use sprinklers.

  3. now that this is the second summer in a row that england hasn't had a summer, the global warming cronies will go & climb back under there stone!

  4. it doesnt

  5. Here in UK Summer can happen anytime from around the middle of June to the end of September.

    So far this year, in spite of druids and witches dancing all night at Stonehenge to herald the Summer Solstice, we have had cold winds from the SW and a lot of rain.

    What people do here in UK is just grab any sunny day and go and sit in the park or simply take that day off work.

    Think of England in these terms. . . .think of a part of a famous line written by William Shakespeare. . . .this green and pleasant land.

    You do not get green and pleastant land without rain and lots of it.

    This morning here in SE London [Greenwich upon Thames] we've got the usual dull grey sky of London plus on and off rain.

    No good checking the weather forecase - it's usually wrong anyway, in spite of all their hard work and 'science'.

    An American friend of mine describes UK thus. "Here in UK it rains for 364 days of the year and on the 365th day it snows."  That pretty well sums it up really.

    One factoid which few people know, is that UK experiences more tornadoes than any other place on Earth.

    Welcome to the TORnado and storm Research Organisation - The programme makers, Pioneer Productions, produced an animated map of tornadoes in the UK based on selected TORRO data. This map was a representation of ...

    British Geological Survey Seismology Home PageRecent earthquakes in the UK Earthquakes in and around the British Isles in the last 30 days Click on an earthquake for further information ...

    Finally during WW2 the British people thought that the island of Britain would sink due to the hundreds of thousands of Americans stationed here - they also believed that UK was only kept afloat by the many hundreds of anti-aircraft barrage balloons in every town.

    Look at it like this - once upon a time, a Russian President, Nikita Krushchev, once described UK as an American Aircraft Carrier - right on Nikita baby. . . .

    William Shakespeare's home town of Statford upon Avon flooded in year 2007. . . .

    Flooding, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Riots, Civil War and general unrest are a fact of life here in UK.  Thankfully they are spread apart usually by hundreds of years - except of course it rains constantly day and night througout what we call summer thing....bring an umbrella, you'll be okay.

  6. you usually get about 2 days in may and then it rains incessantly thereafter.

  7. it doesn't really. it gets warmer but it's never actually summer! There are a few days of sheer bliss when everyone is outside tanning during their lunch breaks but those days are pretty hard to predict.

  8. Well my daughter's summer holidays start on the 21st of July and end on the 3rd of September so that's the main summer holiday period.  As for when does it become suddenly hot for weeks on end - it doesn't.  We owe our lovely green hills, dales and majestic rivers to our rain.

  9. The later end of summer, around August and September, are usually warmer.

  10. it doesnt. summer in ireland lasts for 2weeks in may, blissful sunshine :) then it pisses down for the rest of "summer"

  11. Usually not until August, and then through to September.  It's quite short, and unfortunately Winter goes on for about six months!

  12. never. oh, i lie, its sunny right now. due to rain tommorow i think. today is the summer, get over here quick.

  13. The start of British summer time is June 21st but the weather doesn't know this and we usually get rain all through June and July then heading to the end of August get a couple of hot weeks and maybe some warm weather September,then its back to rain again in October.x

  14. Hi Shanks,

    Usually about about 364 days after the last one.

  15. Officially on 21st June, but that does not mean we get good weather.  May, till September we expect sunshine, but it has been known for snow to fall in June.  Expect the unexpected is my motto.

  16. we only have spring and autumn, the other 2 seasons dont exist here

  17. Summer?

    what is that?

  18. 21st June is the beginning odf the summer solstice

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