
When does a 14 year old boy Grow Tall?

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I just turned 14 and I'm RALLY SHORT!! 160 cm (5 feet 3 inches)..

Plz help out!!




  1. I have observed that boys grow most rapidly when aged between 14 1/2 and 16 years. As much as 6 to 10 inches.

  2. uhhh it just happens?

    lol my bro is 10 years old and hes 5' 4"

  3. life more weight everyday. ride horse and motor bikes. you will grow taller.


    just kidding. you will grow tall. Don't worry. I was really short, about your height when I was your age. I'm 25 now and I'm 6 feet fall, taller than most of my friends. I won't grow taller anymore. Frankly, people don't care whether you are tall or short. Just become a nice person, honest and caring and loving. Trust in God and pray to Him.

  4. If you do grow any more -which providing your relatives are taller than your hight (genetics)and you eat a well balanced diet(enviroment) you probably will -In fact it prob be sum time in the next year could be next week or next month -I know I had a gowth spurt when I was 14 -ent had one since tho and im 16 but im 5ft 11 so  dont care

    Im guessing your english for some reason so your learn all bout what effects growth factors when your 15-16

    It prob will happen you just gotta be patient

  5. Bless your heart,,,I am 43 years old and only 5 ft 3inches.  It may depend on how tall your parents are and other immediate family members but always remember you could still grow as my son grew about 6 inches in one summer.

  6. eat your vegtables ahaha!

  7. It depends on your body and your genetics:

    You could just be entering pubirty and have not yet gone through your growth harmones, give it some time.


    If both of your parents are short you may too, get both of your parents height and average them out to get where you are most likely to get you may grow taller though so don't loose hope!

  8. You should continue to grow. But it might be related with your genes. Are your aunts, mom, dad, uncles on each side of family short also? You might sadly take it from them. Either that are still going through puberty.

  9. well at this rate you wont be tall. in your adult age you'll probably be 5'6. i was 5'7 when i was 14. im 15 now and 5'9. men stop growing at age 21.

  10. If it helps, I'm 3 months older and also a guy,and the same height '5'3-1/2'

    That is really short, but you'll probably end up being at least 5'7. The estimated height for me is 5'8, but I might not get there.

    And remember, there are college football players around 5'7:

    Kevin Kelly: 5'7

    Noel Devine: 5'8

    There are other guys even SHORTER than that dude.

    In pro football, remember that Maurice Jones Drew is 5'6 and an amazing football player.

    As long as you have personality, you'll do fine in life.

    As for when you'll get taller, even though today's americans are getting puberty VERY early and shooting up and will always be taller than you, it's considered normal to not have had a growth spurt at 14, so sometime in the next 2 years you'll have it. Don't worry.

  11. Story time. Alright, I had a friend back in High School. He was 16 and kind of short... He was shorter then me by a little bit... A whole summer past and the next time I saw him, the kid was not only taller then me, but I couldn't even recognize him. Anyhow, it happens naturally, just wait...

  12. You still have time for at least once growth spurt , maybe even two

    16 is usually a time when guys really shoot up in height  

  13. There is no set age as to when you will grow.  Everyone is different.

  14. Hey i faced this same problem when i was younger and then as time went on i grew alot i was around the same height as you and carrying a few extra pounds i then started exercising and eating better and i started to grow i am now 6 feet 3 inches.

    I recomend a healthy diet and regular exercise if you still don't grew maybe you should look at your family as you will more than likely end up round about the height of your parents this is not true in all cases though i hoped this helped you.

  15. Eat your veggies and take your vitamin's.  Don't smoke and it should happen any day now usually between 13-15 growth spurts happen.  But ask your dad when it was that he went through his cause it will be very very very similar.

  16. Is your mom's family short? If they are then you will be... Thats the way genetics work... My mom is short... but the rest of her family is tall... and I'm tall... so that explains it. I'm 5 feet 9 inches

  17. Usually, boys stop growing at the age of 21 and 18 for girls. That's the average age. There are lots of things that affect your height. The most important thing is that your genes. If you have good genes then it's a good start. Environment, eating habits, sleeping and even your gestures also affect your height.

    *You should eat various type food in order to absorb vitamins and minerals. Calcium and vitamin D are important for your height. Vitamin D help converts Calcium into something that

    your body can absorb. Without vitamin D, calcium is trash. You can get natural vitamin from sunlight.

    *Play sports such as basketball, swimming, or simple exercise like pull up can also help you out.

    *Learn how to seat, walk, rest correctly. Always keep you spinal straight.

    *Make sure you always sleep enough (7-8 hours a day) and try to get to bed earlier (before 12 is good). Because the growth hormones are produced only when you fall into a deep sleep stage. Thus, it's important to have good quality sleeping.

  18. first of all, your average height.  girls tend to go through puberty starting at age 11 and have a huge growth spurt between the ages of 12 and 14. its normal to feel short compared to girls your age. everyone will grow at their own rate. most boys go through puberty much later than girls do, so your growth spurt might come anywhere in the next four years. no matter how your body calender works, be proud of who you are and what you look like.

  19. Dude, most boys shoot up around high school.(in your case in about a year or so)

  20. There is not standard age for growth. My Dad had his growth spurt in college. I stopped getting taller at about 20. However, I still get fatter.

    My brothers were finished growing by 16.

  21. Your not that short, most of the guys I know is like, your height and higher.  Just play basketball, drink 4 glasses of milk per day, stretch and your fine. =)

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