
When does a 'season' start in cricket? Is it '2007-08' on right now or is it '2008-09'? Or simply '2008'?

by  |  earlier

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On, there are separate records for '2007-08', '2008' and '2008-09'. See this:

How do they differ? And which 'season' is on right now?




  1. In the southern hemisphere, summer is over the end of the year and into the new year with winter being in the middle of the year. Australia, New Zealand, South Africa play their cricket in the summer, so this year that will be 2008/9. Northern Hemisphere teams have their summer in the period May, June July, etc. So England, West Indies, etc, their season is 2008.

  2. this is 2008-2009

  3. The season depends where you are in the world.

    In England, the cricket season falls entirely within the calendar year (May to September), so here its currently season 2008.

    In Australia, SA and the rest of the Southern Hemisphere, the cricket season straddles the end of one year and the start of the next, so the forthcoming season there will be 2008-09.

    As for  international cricket, it is now played pretty much all year round and therefore has no real "season" other than that of the participant country who are at home.

  4. The cricketing season  starts generally in July, so it should now be considered as 2008-09.

    However, there is so much cricket being played these days that it is really difficult to differenciate .  

  5. This is 2008-2009 season

    There is note at the end of the index page ( ) explaining the details of season. You may refer that.

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