
When does a baby open her/his eyes??

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I have a niece now she's 3 days old, she doesn't open her eyes unless when we close most of the lights and keep very little light.

My question is

When does a baby open his/her eyes normally without struggling?




  1. Babies open their eyes in the womb! She should be opening her eyes more often very soon. She probably just needs a little more time to adjust to a world filled with light!

    You could try gradually introducing more and more light into the room when she opens her eyes in a darker room.  I believe babies with blue eyes have a little more eye sensitivity than those with brown eyes.

    Unless it persists beyond a week or so, I wouldn't worry about it. If her parents are extremely worried, they should consult the doctor.

    Congrats on being an aunt!

  2. My daughter didn't open her eyes much at all at first either, for about 2 weeks or so. She is 2 months 3 weeks now and has them open all the time. Except when she's outside! She closes her little eyes as tight as she possibly can. She doesn't have sensitive eyes or anything. It just takes some babies longer to adjust to all the light. They've been living in pretty dim lighting for quite a while! Lol.

  3. a baby opens his/her eyes as soon as it is born. she might have sensitive eyes, but i would talk to a doctor about it.

  4. Both my kids, opened their eyes as soon as they come out. Dont forget a baby sleeps alot when they are only 3 days old.

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