
When does a child start to talk?

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My daughter just turned one on Aug. 18th. She can say momma, dadda, nanna and that is it. But she doesn't every use those words. Usually out of her mouth is a scream *because she is all into noise making*, or duh duh duh and that is it. I was researching language and it said that at one babies should be able to say about 6 words. Is this normal?




  1. First of all, don't knock it. Once she starts, that's the end of that! lol Second, NEVER compare your babies to books, other kids, or the worst- tv kids! Don't sweat it 1. unless she is really off (not walking by 18 LOL) or 2. your gut tells you there is something wrong. You'll know when YOUR child is not quite 'right" so to speak. Worse that will happen is she'll pass the "should have" age, you can have her checked out and things will be fine or need a little nudge. Now, I have seven children ages 19 through 3. 5g then 2b. Every one of them talked when they were good and ready- anywhere between 10 m to 22 m. Same for walking, running, steps, riding a big wheel, etc.

    If you have no concerns to about her hearing- she startles when she should, hears you when you call her (not neccessarily listens LOL), and  it sounds like she does with those three words she does use. That said, get yourself a baby sign language book or video. They learn simple signs like eat, drink, cup, hurt, cookie VERY EASILY and it makes them so much less frustrated, which makes you less frustrated. In my opinion, gently nip the screaming now or the next five years will be intolerable. Of course, they will not compare to ages 14- 18. Consider ear plugs then and you'll wnat to ignore any sign language they begin using then, too! Enjoy her now. She'll be getting her driver's license in what will feel like no time at all.

  2. MY son started saying all the normal buh buh buhs when he was 11 months old and then at 15 months he stopped. for the next almost year and a half the only word he would say was NO! everything else sounded liek a bunch of vowel sounds. at 2 I took him to the doctor, he said he needed speach therapy, tried it for 3 months. At 2 1/4 I took him to an ENT for a hearing test who said he could hear fine. At 2 1/2 I took him to another ENT who said he could hear, but it all sounded like we were underwater to him b/c he needed tubes in his ears. We got the tubes put in and within a month he was talking like any other 2 1/2 year old. Now he is almost 4 and I wish he would just shut-up.

    The point is I wouldn't worry about it at 1, if it gets to 2 then I would see an ENT. Deffinately don't rush it.

  3. If six words at one year old is normal, then my son was seriously subnormal. He said NO words at one year old.

    Course, he could read before he was three, and read silently before he was five, and spell better than his teacher (her comment, not his) by eight...

    Baby milestones don't mean a darn thing.  

  4. The experts will tell you a round about range of when a child should do something. but every child is different. She will speak the words when she is ready, just remember to talk to her sound things out to her. Sometimes too, there are books that you can get, that you teach sign language to children at that age. just simple things.. All you can do is work with them. read books,or look at pictures and identify things

  5. If your daughter can understand you when you talk to her, I bet she's just fine. Just talk with her like you would talk with an older child. Ask her questions, etc? I used to name things out loud with my kids like "nose", "eyes", etc. and then quiz them on it for a game.  

  6. She'll talk when she feels the need. She obviously has the ability, but maybe not the desire. Are you and your spouse the talkative type or kinda quite?

    My cousin is eighteen months and barely speaks at all...the doctor attributed it to the fact that his parents are both the quite, reserved type. He said not to worry until he's two and still saying very few words.

    Then on the other hand, me and my husband are louder and very talkative, expressive people. My two, almost three, year old talks incredibly well for his age and his s*x. It could very well be that its because he's around the noise all the time!

    But as I said previously, the doctor said not to worry until they are two..but to ease your mind you may wanna consult with the doctor on your own.

    Good luck...but I think she'll be just fine!

  7. when he/she feels like - unless there a mute

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