
When does a person earn the title of being a "drama queen" or a "drama king"?

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When does a person earn the title of being a "drama queen" or a "drama king"?




  1. When they become a pain in the *** to those around them, for the sake of getting attention drawn to themselves.

    These people are always inherently selfish, which is why I avoid these types.  They're no good for anyone but themselves.

    I have another name for them; Chaos Generators.

    Because that's what they create all the time, for themselves, and everyone around them.

    The think "chaos = excitement"

  2. LOL well, that a elder son was a drama king aged about 2 ..and drama queen aged about 15

  3. when the police have to intervene.

  4. After they become a Drama Mama.

  5. When people get fed up with their drama. Usually, pretty quickly.

  6. When they start attaching WWWAAAAAYYYYY too much significance to everything in their own lives and ignoring everything that DOES have any real significance in other people's lives.

    Everything is always "all about" THEM and it is always blown up way out of proportion!

  7. when you have had it with their bs.

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