
When does a pond become a lake ?

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When does a pond become a lake? I know a hill becomes a mountain at 2000 ft, but when does a pond become a lake ? I ask because my mate & I take our dogs swimming in this "pond" but it's so big should we be calling it a "lake" instead ?




  1. It's all very subjective and there is no recognised cut off point. Oh and so is a hill becoming a mountain! 2000 ft. is not agreed on.


    A natural elevation of land, or a mass of earth rising above the common level of the surrounding land; an eminence less than a mountain.


    A natural elevation of the earth's surface having considerable mass, generally steep sides, and a height greater than that of a hill.

    All very helpfull isn't it.

    In Britain and the United States, a mountain typically is defined as a landform with an elevation of 985 ft. (300 m) above sea level.

    On the other hand, there are landforms in Scotland that rise only a few hundred meters above sea level, but their morphologic characteristics or shape seem to qualify them as mountains. Not only are their slopes steep, but the presence of glaciers and snow-capped peaks, with their attendant severe weather and rocky, inhospitable soil, also seem to indicate the topography associated with mountains.

  2. There's no internationally recognised cut-off point, but somewhere between 2 and 8 hectares


  4. When it has a much higher Biodiversity, which means there are A LOT more different types of living creatures in there. Like, a pond would have small biodiversity because its small and cant really contain many species of living organism, but a lake (which is for sure much larger) can contain many many more different types and species of living organisms

  5. There is no clearly recognized point of distinction.  At UConn there is a body of water officially called "Mirror Lake" which is known by the locals as "Ducksh*t Pond" because it's less than 150 feet across, no more than 4 feet deep at any point, and heavily fouled with bird p**p.

  6. when a skimmer does more than ten bounces.

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