
When does a stone become an artifact?

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this is a question for my history class, and i can't find the answer in my text book or through a google search. any ideas for help?




  1. 1. In general, when it has a designated purpose. That is, when it is kept because it has been useful in the past for a specific chore like doing fire or breaking nuts.

    2. In particular, when it has been modified for a specific use. That is, when its value for the owner comes from some modification made to it to "fit" its form to a specific chore, like improving its cutting ability.

  2. If it has been modified by humans.

    Examples : stones moved to shape a hearth for fires.

    Stones moved to form a foundation for a hut.

    Stones shaped to an edge to be used as tools in a  way that indicates the shaping was artifical and not natural.

    Stones that are unusually smooth and in a location along with other artifiacts that suggest it was used as pounder or pestle for grinding things?

  3. i think it has to be a remnants of old civilization's to become artefact's but im 15 what do i know

  4. The word "Artifact" comes from a Latin phrase which means "something made."

    In order to be an artifact, a stone must have been made (as in ceramic), modified (as in chipping or knapping) or shaped (as in by grinding or other means) by a human.  Even if it us used as a tool, until it is changed by use, it is not an artifact, it is raw material.

    Stones (plural) could also be used to make an artifact (like a fire-ring, alter, burial crypt, wall, road or other item).  In this case, the individual stone may or may not be considered an artifact, just a piece of one.

    A similar argument might be made about collections of stones such as ballast stones in ships or piles of stones on bluff tops which had been moved to provide throwing ammunition.

  5. When it's been altered significantly enough to either reflect a symbol, or be used as a tool.

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