
When does a therapy end?

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Hello, I have been going for therapy related to anxiety issues. I have been talking about my problems to my therapist for a few months. While the therapy has worked to some extent, I am still far from completely getting better. But I don't have anything more to tell my therapist. Or I have some of the things that I don't feel comfortable to talk about. My therapist is really good. When will a therapy normally end? How long does these therapies last. I have been having issues for over a decade, only now I have asked for help. But I just don't want to waste her time and mine. Please share your thoughts.




  1. Therapy lasts as long as it needs to. It could be a couple of months, it could be a few years, but it all depends on what kind of issues you have. You really do need to talk about everything, even the things that make you uncomfortable. Otherwise, she just won't be able to help you, because she won't know the whole story. If you can't think of what to talk about, try talking about how you've been since you've seen her last. Generally, if you've had an issue since the last time, you can talk about that and work backwards from there. Even if you've been fine lately, just talking without knowing the point of what you're saying can often get you on track to exploring your problems more thoroughly. The secret is to keep talking, even if you don't think you're saying anything relevant.  

  2. e mail me at ok

  3. Every person is different, therapy can last from a few weeks to a few years.

    It all depends on when the therapist and you both feel that you have benefited as much as possible from them.

    There is always a risk that the anxiety or depression will return. If they do, the skills your therapist has shown you to deal with anxiety should make it easier for you to control them. So, it is important to keep practising them, even after you are feeling better.

    I think you may benefit from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, it can help you to change how you think (Cognitive) and what you do (Behaviour).

    These changes can help you to feel better. Unlike some of the other talking treatments, it focuses on the "here and now" problems and difficulties. Instead of focusing on the causes of your distress or symptoms in the past, it looks for ways to improve your state of mind now.

    Ask your therapist about CBT, they may be able to help you get in touch with an organisation.  

  4. It is hard to tell how long therapy will last. You could talk with your theratpist about it. My experience has been like 6 mos or longer, just depending how much progress has been made, how often you see the therapist, and they of course make thier suggestion. I would always tell myself that I had nothing more to talk to my therapist, and I thought the visit was going to be a waste of money, but sure enough, when I got there, things just started coming out, and before I knew it , the session was over. Sometimes it is good to just talk about everyday things, not always things about our past, that is what I have been doing. We can only work on our past so much, then it becomes the present and future. Maybe see where you are headed in the future.

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