
When does confidentiality stop?

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I have been having some problems in my family for awhile, and lately I guess they've just been getting under my skin a lot more. Nothing huge, but the other day my 19 year old brother did punch me in the jaw. I've been pretty angry at him, not about that, so much, but because there are kids in my family and I know he can be kind of a jerk. I really want to go talk to a lady at my church about what is going on and get her advise, but I'm afraid she'll call someone...

In the past she's always kept everything confidential, but I know there's a line where that stops. What is that line?




  1. I'm pretty sure if there is any abuse going on they have to report it by law.I know professionals are suppose to.

  2. I trust this lady is some sort of counselor for the church and if that is the case I would think she would keep what you talk about confidential. I would certainly ask her to do so before you reveal anything, though, and explain this could create problems for you and your family that you don't want to happen.

    I would hope she would give you advise, or her opinion, on what to do, and you can decide on your own what steps to take in the matter. Just talking with someone sometimes help. I wish you the best of luck and hope you can get all your family problems worked out.

  3. if someone is causing harm to themselves or others, they are required by law to alert someone of higher authority.

  4. So what you are saying is your afraid that he will hurt the other kids??  How old are you?  My brother is 3 years older than me.  He use to smack me, slap me, hit me, kick me etc...  I was no better!  I knew what buttons also to push!  Sibling rivalry is very normal!  Go ahead & talk with the lady at church.  She will be helpful.  Who cares if she tells someone your brother is a bully??  Usually the line is drawn when you or someone you know is going to hurt themselves or someone else.  Hurt; like really, really hurt.  Suicide or something like that.  Also any form of sexual abuse is to be reported.  Your brother punching you sounds like you got into it with your brother.  Maybe I am wrong but it sounds normal.

  5. soon as it leaves your thoughts and becomes words.. the confidentiality stops.. unless no one hears you.

    certainly if you talk on the phone.. or use email.. the cia has a copy of it.

  6. "A lady at church" is kind of vague...but if she is not a minister/pastor/rabbi, it would be entirely up to her.  A clergyman can only break confidentiality if they have reason to believe someone may be in danger of physical harm, or where they suspect child abuse.  ditto for a psych or legal professional.

  7. If someone is in danger of harm.  You're already well past that line.  Talk to the lady.  Get some help.

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