
When does heavy snow hit scotland jan?

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obv i know noone can predict the weather but in the past when has scotland faced heavy snow storms? the reaosn i am asking is cos we are getting married at the end of nov and looking to hire a log cabin for a week in scotland (on the outskirts before edinburgh so its not really high up in scotland)..this will be from the 1st dec for 5 nights. i am worried we may be faced with the possibility of bad snow and being limited to going out. is it after jan when they get the worst weather?

this isnt our proper honeymoon, we are going to florida and newyork for 2 weeks in april next year but we didnt want to go there in dec as we both have alot of christmas stuff going on plus it gives us something to look forward to and i need some extra months after the wedding to save for all the shopping in newyork!




  1. Congratulations on your forth coming wedding.

    The reason Scotland tends to catch the snow heavier, in my opinion, is that it is further north, nearer the arctic circle and the weather coming down from there.

    Also, like Switzerland, the land tends to be higher above the sea level, allowing snow to form easier and stay deeper and for longer.

    As a general rule of thumb, the higher you are in altitude, the colder it gets, and the more chance of snow.

    Hope this helps,

    Mike t.

  2. Its unlikely that you'd be faced with bad snow at that time of year, especially in Edinburgh, you're more likely to see snow further up the highlands.  It is possible, but unlikely.  I live in Glasgow, and before that in Dumfries and Galloway and i agree with you that the worst weather seems to be January time.  So enjoy your wedding and have a great honeymoon.

  3. As said above, depends where you are going etc.

    There's been very little or no snow where I am for some years now. Don't think there was anything this year.

    But in other parts like the Scottish highlands where there is skiing then I believe it was good.

  4. You are unlikely to get snow as far south as Edinburgh in Nov, you might get it if you were nearer Aviemore. The heaver snow tends to be in Jan and again it's alot further north.

  5. The last few years its been in April.

  6. Early December your not really looking at much snowfall, just a sprinkling of showers and normally only sets above 500 meters, Melts away quite quick below that. Although i have seen heavy snowfall in December, over the last 5-10 years snow has been scarce in Scotland and the cold snaps last 3-4 days, the best chance for heavy snowfall high and low ground will be late January and thought-out February,the farther North you are the better chance you have of heavy snow, once you get in-to March the snow tends to melt very quickly.

  7. Please do not equate Edinburgh and its suburban areas with the like of the Cairngorms or Grampian mountains.

    As with most of the UK snow can arrive in November and we have odd snow storms through until April but the chances of being stuck in 10 foot drifts are NIL.

    Anyway people look forward to snow in the hills and mountains as they can then get out and ski. Snow stops people in the SE of England when it gets deeper than 2 flakes, here we get on with a normal life even when feet deep.

  8. Usually the worst weather of the winter is the first fortnight in February.  The area around Edinburgh doesn't get snow in November and really doesn't get a lot at other times, although it's usually pretty cool temperature-wise.

    The weather in Scotland is nowhere near as bad as it's made out to be.

    Congratulations and best wishes.

  9. depends where you go in scotland

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