
When does history become ancient?

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I mean technically, 4 seconds ago is history, right? So where is the cut off date? Like back in the day when record players came out, I think it was in the 50's somewhere and they are almost extinct now so is that ANCIENT history?

Like 100 yrs ago today, computers were unheard of.. is that ANCIENT history? Where do you draw the line?




  1. Ancient history is from the first city states and river based empires, up through and including the fall of Rome.  After the Fall of Rome, it was considered the dark ages, which was not really true, it was a time of no advancement.  That lasted from about 500 C.E. to 1500 C.E. when the  renaissance came into Europe.  The reality is all this is viewed from the Europe viewpoint.  China flourished as did the Muslim Nations during the dark ages.  It is very egocentric.

  2. Ancient History is the Period from the first recordings of history to about the time of the middle ages (500AD - 1000AD)

  3. In Europe and the Mediterranean, ancient history

    is approximately prior to 1000 BCE.

  4. There are various interpretations of this, but most historians would put the "end" of ancient history at either the deposition of the last Roman emperor of the west, Romulus Augustulus, in 476 AD, or slightly earlier, at the accession of Constantine the Great in 306 AD.

    Most historians agree that the use of terminology such as ancient, medieval, and modern are for convenience, and that the designation of a specific date of transition is arbitrary and inexact.

  5. ANCIENT history


    Knowledge of some recent fact or event that has become so commonly known that it has lost its original pertinence

  6. Record players were popular in the 50s but there were Victrolas before that. THAT IS NOT ANCIENT HISTORY. Ancient history is BC.

  7. The way I use it is after the fall of Rome. Everything to the fall of Rome is ancient history.

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