
When does mcmurphy discover that the chief can hear in the book One flew over the cuckoo's nest?

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when does mcmurphy discover that the chief can hear in the book One flew over the cuckoo's nest




  1. Yep. McMurphy had the suspicion all along, judging by the sly looks he'd always give the chief, but his assent when it came to the television vote really clinched it. However, I would assume McMurphy knew that he could hear when he started talking to the chief, regardless of whether the Chief answered or not.

  2. It's on page 205 in the Viking Press edition, a few pages after the beginning of Part 3.

    There's definitely a connection between McMurphy and Bromden from the start of the novel--from the moment he first shakes his hand and Bromden reports feeling a sort of transfer of power there.  But nothing explicitly states that McMurphy knew Bromden was faking it.  I mean, it's obvious he wasn't surprised too much when Bromden said "Thank you" to him but there is nothing that directly states McMurphy knew.

    Go back and reread the part with the world series vote.  Unlike a couple people here, I just don't see it there.

  3. The first indication is when Bromden raises his hand to break a tie vote for the residents to watch the World Series.

    McMurphy knows for sure when he gives Bromden a stick of gum during bedtime and the Chief says, "Thank you."

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