
When does morning sickness end?

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I am 11 1/2 weeks pregnant. Since even before i got my positive test I have been soo sick all day everyday(but have not vomited once) just constantly sick to my tummy. Now since i turned 11 weeks i have been feeling a little better. I still have some nausea off and on but hardly ever and only when not eating. Is this normal? Is this around the time nausea starts to subside?




  1. Mine did around 10 weeks, I still get every now and then though. Best thing to do is eat small meals and often so your not just getting sick from being hungry. Anything with ginger helps too.

  2. Yes, you've made it. Mine stopped at 13 weeks.

  3. I had it for 41/2 months but i had a friend who had it for 9 months and was nearly put in hospital several times it got so bad. It all  depends how lucky or unlucky you are!!! it is about the time it would normally start to go away on the average person!!

  4. Don't worry hun, it should start to taper off soon....from what I heard by the time your 13-14 weeks.  I'm 13 weeks now and still feel queesy every now and again, but my morning sickness was so bad I was hospitalized for a month and am still on IV meds to keep it at bay.

    Yes, it's totally normal to feel nauseated when you have an empty belly.  Just make sure you munch on stuff like carrotts or crackers all day....that should help a lot :)

  5. Some women experience morning sickness of some kind during their entire pregnancy.  Usually ends around the beginning of the 16th week or so.  What seemed to help me was a few saltine crackers in the morning along with some apple juice.  Slow down on morning coffee, though.  

  6. It is normal. Morning sickness normally occurs in the first trimester; starting from the 6th week until the 12th week.  

  7. Im due on tuesday and i still get it from time to time.

  8. Mine usually lasted until 18 weeks. My cousin said hers lasts until 20. She's going through it right now too.

    Things that help:

    Crackers before even sitting up in bed

    Keeping something in your tummy all the time

    Ginger candy and ginger ale

    Smelling fresh cut lemons (I don't know why, but it works)

    1/2 unisom and Vitamin B6 helps calm system down too.

    Phenergan is a prescription your dr can give you if it gets worse

  9. i'm 30 weeks and a day and i am still having morning sickness!

    i try and get as much sleep a possible, it's not as bad then.

    although it's still there.

    some of us just don't shift it ;(


  10. i was in ur shoes up until around my 13th week. some woman have it all the way thru but very few do.  it will get better. i still have fatigue like crazy still lol

  11. Well, up until 12 weeks I always felt like I needed to throw up but never did. I never had morning sickness. But some people it lasts all 9 months. Good luck!

  12. every woman is different. mine didnt pass until i was 14 wks pregnant! some women have it all 9 months!

  13. All women are different so it's a little hard to say but for me I was around 18 weeks when it was finally gone. I was feeling much better going into my 4 th month. Good luck and congrats! Oh and if your nausea gets to the point where it is interfering tin your daily routine you can ask your dr to prescribe you something .... like Zofran. It gets rid of the nausea filling and allows you to go through your day. I took it the last bit of my morning sickness as I was sick all the time.  

  14. Morning sickness can end any time during pregnancy, or it could stay through the whole thing!

    Usually it ends with your first trimester (about 13 weeks)  That is exactly when mine went away - one day it was just gone!

    It is common to have it up until 20 weeks or longer though!

    Good Luck!!!

    I was able to feel my first baby kicks from the outside of my tummy before 21 weeks along... but he got shy whenever I would try to have my husband feel them though! I am now less than two weeks from my due date and let me tell you - the bigger the baby gets, the MORE the outside of your tummy will move when he/she is wiggling around in there!! My baby is SUPER active, and my WHOLE TUMMY moves around when he wiggles - its very entertaining to watch!! I actually took a video clip of him moving the other afternoon - here's what you have in store for you!


    I am a mom who is working from home! If you would like to work from home too, Check out

  15. With all 3 of my children it started around 6 weeks and lasted until about 3 to 4 months, (and just from my experience alone the more children I had the easier and shorter my morning sickness was, I'm pregnant with baby # 4 now and it was not that bad at all).

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