
When does my son start school?

by  |  earlier

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my son goes to full day care kindy, hes 3yo. Now, he stays there until he is about 6 years, then can he start reception years at a new school.? Does he still need to do kindergarten years or straight to reception school? My first child, i have no idea! lol




  1. All I know is exposing your child to reading at a young age is a PROVEN factor in intelligence - the younger, the better!

    Keep on reading America :)

  2. I never went to Kindergarten.  When I was almost 6 my mom put me into first grade and they wanted to hold me back because I was to young but my mom said no.  It is your decision I know people that have done it both way and turn out just fine.

  3. You would have to clarify with your school system. They all vary and have their own cutoff dates and rules about testing out of grades.

  4. you can start to let your child go to nursery or kindergarden

  5. Usually its pre-school/kindergarten until the age of 6 and then they go straight to the 1st grade. Depending on wher you live, he's eligible to go to the first grade if he will be 6 years old before December 1st in the fiscal school year (school typically starts in September).

    Kindergarten is great preparation and not many school districts REQUIRE it.

  6. when he turns 4yrs. take him and put him in pre-k so he will be ready for k both my kids went to pre-k it help alot.

  7. You aren't required to send your child to kindergarden, but he should know the basics (aka numbers, the alphabet and basic words and phrases, etc.) Those are the things that your son would have been taught in K5.

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