
When does potty training start

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i have a two year old boy when should i start potty training him ???




  1. with my sister we started at about 1 and a half but now she won't go anywhere near her potty.

    if i where you i would go out let him choose a potty and let him do a 'buff' (have a nappy of for a bit) and keep reminding him if he needs a wee wee or a poo poo to sit on his potty and do it and if he does a accident then sit him on his potty while you clean it up. if he does it on his potty treat him to chocolate or something nice.

    good luck =)

  2. Now. Make a big fuss every time he does a wee or a poo into the po/jerry.  Don't reprimand him if he has an accident.    Get him some trainer pants because he is a big boy and get him on the po/jerry/loo  frequently to check. It may be as well to put a nappy on at night for a while. Expect accidents because control has to be learned and placed  in the subconscious. It's hard work and usually falls on the mother but in reality does not take long. They will of course then want to go into every toilet you pass. We ended up with a marking system for every public loo between Liverpool and Tenby when my children were small      

  3. U shud start now. I got 2 neices nd dey started like at 2.

  4. 2 years is ok but don't rush it boys take longer than girls as they are slower to learn and dont leave the child on the potty for long time it makes them scared make it a please and plenty of praise

  5. Girls can sometimes show interest sooner than boys.  I think an average age to start is 3 years.  

    But you should start potty training when they show interest.  Otherwise you could cause problems, or just have a fight on your hands.

    My oldest started between 2.5 years and 3 years...My 2nd was trained at 2.5 years...he was much easier.

  6. next wednesday at 2.30pm

  7. Not long after they start walking my daughter was fully potty trained by 17 months.

  8. right now is a good time to start that way when he turns 3 he will have it almost if not completely down.

  9. when he starts to show an interest in going to the potty like you.  this is a good checklist

  10. When he acts interested in it.  Buy a potty chair and let him come when you go to the bathroom.  Let him sit on it when he wants.  That's what we did with our daughter she started around 20mo and is pretty much potty trained now at 23mo.  Good Luck.  

  11. Yes around now should be a good time to start.  Some people start earlier but I think the child needs to have an understanding.  Good luck!

  12. my son is 21/2 and he is dry during the day and im working on the night time now  

  13. When he shows signs of readiness/interest:

    1.  Is able to stay dry/clean for a couple of hours.

    2.  Is able to talk about and understand YOU talking about potty use.

    3. Is able to walk to the potty and manage his own clothing with minimal help.

    4. Wants to wear big-boy underwear and use the potty.

    5. Is aware of having wet/pooped, dislikes being wet/dirty and wants to be dry/clean.

    6. Has the physical ability to recognize the need to 'go', and then be able to hold it long enough to get to the potty, pull his pants down -- and then voluntarily release it. [You probably won't know about this one until you try.]

    Most kids train between 2 1/2 and 4, so if he's a 'young' two, unless he's clearly ready and interested, wait a bit.  When kids are really ready, training goes quickly.  When they're not, you can work at it for months.

  14. Between 3 and a half and three

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