
When does "Well, (S)HE IS THEIR DAD (or MOM)?" not apply?

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This is sociology question. When people divorce, and one is clearly wrong by any objective standard, is making bad decisions for everyone, including themselves, people often say, "Well, he is their Mom or Dad." When does this not apply?

It clearly is appliied to adultery.

Is it applied to theives?

What about drugs or alcoholism?

What about Charles Manson?

Is it applied to liars?

Is it applied to child molestors?

Is it applied to someone who just "didn't want to be married anymore?

Just curious as to when you would not say this.

It seems that it would apply to anyone no matter what.

at what point would it be best that the kids are not around this person?





  1. Lorene hit it right on the head, the line is drawn when the parent is abusing the child i n ANY way.

  2. If the other parent is abusive, physically, sexually, verbally or emotionally the children should not be forced to be around the other parent.

  3. I didn't really understand your question.  The children and their well being should always be the determining factor in any situation.

  4. I'd say that it doesn't apply when the parent is not looking out for the child's best interest. Thing's like adultury, drugs and all the other things you listed are all selfish things people to do without any disregard for whom it hurts. Then they are not acting as a mom or dad, just a selfish person. When that person becomes so self-absorbed with whichever vices is ruining their family and they put they're parenting roles on the back burner, that's when they are no longer fit to be parents.

  5. I personally battle this question often.  I agree that if a parent is acting in a selfish manner and are participating in distructive behavior they do not have their kids best interest in mind and children should be protected from this.

    You wouldn't allow your children to be around drug dealers, molesters or rapists if they were not their parent because it's unsafe.  So why would it be any more safe simply because that person is their parent?

    Anybody is capable of creating children, but it takes responsible, loving people to be a goo parent.  It is our job as parents to keep our children safe from anybody and everything that could pose a threat regardless of their relationship.

  6. Mansons mom was a hooker

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