
When does rugby season start and when does it end?

by  |  earlier

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  1. In NZ rugby goes all year round. we have ALWAYS got some form of tournaments going on here whether it be 15 a side or 7's or even 10's but mainly our 15's in club rugby goes from Feb till about late August. about midway through that is where the national leagues kick off over here.

  2. Rugby seasons are divided into fall and spring seasons. For women, our championship season is the fall and usually begins in August and ends in November with the National Championships. For the sping, we begin playing late March and end mid-May. For the men, it is opposite. Their championship seasons is the spring, so they start in January and end in June and their fall season is late August until early October.

    Hope this answers your question.

  3. HI

    I'm from South Africa and the season starts in February and ends Early in December //usually with the Year end tour to the British Isles and Europe.

  4. It depends on which country you're referring to!

  5. Rugby season for clubs starts in autumn and ends in summer. if you play international it starts in winter and ends in late spring- early summer

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