
When does television simply become a way of filling the void?

by  |  earlier

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I have noticed, that when I'm at home with my parents, they watch television all the time, they are at home, together. They do nothing else. I've seen some people, including my mum and dad, watch hour after hour of television, until they have literally watched it all day, and all night. Is there nothing else that they can expect for their lives? Are they too afraid of having to sit and talk, or read?




  1. when you switch it on

  2. When the avoided can not just be avoided from a distance.

    its quit had to tell since you have not stated how they earn a living.

    But, i think you could try talking to them with good approach employed.

    Good luck dear

  3. I would say that it's time to unplug the set for a week and challenge them to do anything else.  It sounds though like they might be depressed so you might need some medical advice.

  4. Maybe you are right, are you sure they are not exhausted from working? Maybe they are tired. I know I watch way too much TV but my family usually talks while we watch TV. lol. What you say is true and hard to answer why. TV has taken place of most entertainment. Maybe of course, it is cheaper. As for place of relationship, its up to the two that are in it. If they both want to do it, maybe thats ok then as long as they are happy.

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